Metroid for Charity with The Speed Gamers

Dallas/Ft. Worth-based The Speed Gamers are having a Metroid Marathon event which starts today at 6pm CST and will last 72 hours. The gaming-for-charity group has been together for two years this coming Saturday and have raised approximately $125,000 for various causes.

The Metroid marathon will be raising money for Halton Autistic Family Support Group. Donations will be gathered using a chip in widget; debit, credit cards and Paypal.

Game List (Order TBD):

  • Metroid (NES VC)
  • Metroid Zero Mission (GBA)
  • Super Metroid (SNES)
  • Metroid 2 (GB)
  • Metroid Prime Hunters (DS)
  • Metroid Prime 1-3 (GC,GC,Wii)
  • Metroid Fusion (GBA)

Metroid themed prizes will be given away such as games, hats, key chains and more! The Speed Gamers hope to reach a goal of $15,000. So if you're feeling charitable, and share a love for Metroid, DONATE!

--Infinity's End
