Happy New Year!

The Make-a-Metroid Contest has officially ended. And with it, we have a bunch of great entries that we will be judging over the weekend to give you the results on the following Monday.

A couple of weeks ago, I also created my own metroid, just for fun. It was made out of a glass bowl that I turned upside-down, red poms, red pipe cleaners, and Super Sculpey. I really enjoyed making it and I hope you all had an equally great time making yours. We got a lot of great entries in and I thank you all so very much for taking the time to make yours. Be sure to come back this Monday for all the official results!

We have a lot of things to look forward to this year, specifically Metroid: Other M, which has the potential of becoming the greatest Metroid game ever made. 2009 was a blast for the MDb, and we have plenty of things for you that we are working on to make sure 2010 is even better!

--Infinity's End
