MDb news since 1996.
Well folks! What can I say after 13 years that Jesse D and Infinity's End haven't added already? Metroid: Other M is looking mighty incredible, and it's great to see Metroid's head, Yoshio Sakamoto, designing a true 2.5D Metroid!
Just a couple new updates for today: I added an artwork section to the Metroid Zero Mission part of the site containing concept art from the Japanese MZM Art Gallery translated exclusively for the MDb! They're finally readable to Western eyes after five years! Also, I've added one more excellent piece of fanart, Twigs' fantastic "The Mother Brain's Chamber"!
Thanks again to Jesse D and Infinity's End for their hard work on the site! The MDb wouldn't be as awesome as it is today without their hard work. Also thanks to Sharonlover for his mod work on the message board. And of course thanks to you for visiting and supporting the site for all these years! Stay tuned for more great updates through Year 14!
Until next time...
Captain Commando