MDb's 13<sup>th</sup> Anniversary
10.16.2009 - Jesse D

Holy smokes, this one crept up on me!

So... yeah. Here we are, another year older, another year wiser. And what a year it's been! If our shift to our own domain hasn't been enough, we've seen the announcement of a new Metroid game, the release of gaming's Citizen Kane (apparently), a truly awesome homage to Super Metroid and Castlevania, and an explosion of new attention for the series thanks to Metroid Metal's masterful Varia Suite album. Not to mention, we (the MDb staff) were privileged to interview Metroid Metal's frontman Stemage in our very first podcast!

So what about the next 365 days?

Before you read my news post about how amazed I am that the site has turned 14, we'll hope to have seen substantial new developments in Metroid: Other M, more Wave Beam podcasts, and more site content to come. And who knows what else?

Here's a cheers to CapCom and Infinity's End, cheers to the MDb Message Board community, and cheers to YOU, our readers!

-Jesse D_
