MPT: Gaming's Citizen Kane?

Recently, ABC News had a short editorial about Metroid Prime Trilogy. In it, Michael Thomsen, an IGN.com Editor, compares the Trilogy as being the equivalent of what Citizen Kane did for movies. A hefty proclaimation, to be sure, but his reasoning is unfortunately a bit weak.

Metroid Prime Trilogy (or at least the original Prime) may be one of Nintendo's and gaming's finest masterpieces, and helped pioneer the First Person Adventure genre, but in no way did it completely revolutionize the industry in the way that Orson Welles' breakthrough achievement did to modern-day cinema. In fact, a claim like this will probably never be justified, as gaming will just continue to slowly evolve and base its way off of other games and genres as it has in the past.

On the other hand, maybe it's just comforting to know that our gal is getting some good press for a change, and on national television to boot.

--Infinity's End
