Trilogy Things

We finally have scans of all the Metroid Prime Trilogy swag that is currently available to us. There is also a MPT Strategy Guide available, but BE WARNED: some purchasers of this guide have said that it is basically a combination of the two Nintendo Power Prime guides mixed with the Prima-published third one. Literally, a copy-paste of all three guides, merged into one, complete with all the same mistakes, errors, and bad jokes and puns.

In other news, the following YouTube video points out a few of the minor particle effects that were unfortunately removed from the Trilogy version of the original Prime.
To summarize, the following things have been removed:

  • The water ripple effect when rolling around in shallow water with the Morph Ball
  • The beams of light eminating with a fully charged Power Beam
  • The icicles that form over the cannon with a fully charged Ice Beam (but it still plays the sound)
  • The sparks of electricity with a fully charged Wave Beam
  • The embers floating up with a fully charged Plasma Beam
  • The heat rising up from the tip of the gun when you fire many shots in succession

Apparently, the Trilogy isn't as "Visually Upgraded" as we had hoped... but a minor thing like this will definitely not detract from the overall experience of these three great games.

--Infinity's End
