Metroid Prime Trilogy Released In US!
08.24.2009 - Jesse D

Today marks the US release of the Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Wii!

For those who haven't been following, Nintendo has been slowly re-releasing classic GameCube titles for the Wii as part of the New Play Control! series with minor enhancements and modified control schemes to take advantage of the Wii's unique controller. Metroid Prime 1 and 2 have been included in this series of remakes, having already been available in Japan for a number of months.

The rest of the world will be able to enjoy the whole trilogy of Metroid Prime in one package, on one disc, with the oh-so-smooth Prime 3 style Wiimote control scheme.

Europe and Australia will see their releases on September 4th and October 15th, respectively. Good fortune to those who might receive both preorder bonuses, but don't hold your breath as EBGames has mysteriously removed any mention of the poster from their website. T-shirts still seem to be in good supply, however.

Be sure to check out our Message Board for impressions and Friend Voucher exchange!

-Jesse D_
