MPT Homepage, Metroid Wanpakku Guide, and MORE
08.07.2009 - CapCom

Well, I know we're a bit behind on this update, but Jesse D is going to be giving us a better news updater than 'type the text and html in manually' which means it will become much more convenient to do updates!

First off, the Metroid Prime Trilogy website is live, and has been for about a week now. You can view screenshots of the games, preorder through Amazon or Gamestop, but that's about it! Seriously, the site is really barebones for a launch that Nintendo should be pimping. The only really interesting thing is that the close window buttons turn from crosses to x's, just like in the Metroid: Other M trailer! Also, you can now fill out your 'intent to buy' form for Metroid Prime Trilogy on Club Nintendo, so be sure not to forget! When they ask you where you got your information about the game, be sure to tell 'em The Metroid Database!

Also, in case you missed it, check out the trailer. There is some new audio and a clip building the Metroid Prime logo that looks suspiciously like the gun barrel to Samus's arm cannon as shown in the Metroid: Other M trailer. Nintendo.co.uk has an alternate trailer.

It's also been a bit longer than expected to get the Metroid manga guide by Wanpakku up and complete, but here it is! I went back and fixed up the earlier pages as well, so the text is more consistent and the images are cleaner. Also, the final pages have been translated and there are some nifty footnotes talking a little bit more about the guide. The artist, Minazuki Yuu, did a fine job of bringing the world of Metroid to life, 8-bit style. Check it out!

Another update to our story about Retro Gamer Issue 65, you can check your local Barnes & Noble for it or see if they'll order it for you or order direct from the magazine's website. The mag is produced in the UK so it's pretty expensive to get shipped overseas (our European fans will find it slightly more affordable). While you're at it, check out their e-magazine collections, which contain 25 issues for about $50.

Lastly, the Metroid Database was mentioned in a podcast on Super Metroid from Retro Force Go! Thanks, guys! It's pretty interesting, so be sure to check it out!

That's it for now. We'll get some more updates going over the next few days. There's a lot of new swag we've located as well as some other interesting Metroid-related information. Stay tuned for more transmissions!

Until next time...
Captain Commando
