MDb news since 1996.
Thanks to some recent policy changes with our old web host, The Metroid Database has been forced out of our warm home and onto the streets, left to fend for own, exposed to the harsh wild that is the internet.
But then, as if a divine ray of hope emanating from the heavens, a saintly figure by the name of Konfiskated Teknologies has come to grant us shelter and hospitality. And in the process, we have established our new domain name,!
Moving a website of this magnitude is a very tedious and long-drawn procedure, meaning that there may be a host of broken links. The RSS feed will be non-functional for at least a week longer. To top it off, I'll be out of town on vacation for a week, meaning that code-specific issues will need to wait. Cap and Inf will be here in the meantime. Please be patient while we continue to get settled in!
So for now, please update your bookmarks, and please make yourself comfortable. Happy 4th of July!
-Jesse D