MDb news since 1996.
Happy June 1st everybody! In honor of International Children's Day, we are celebrating by giving you a brand new fan-translation of the Shonen Oh Super Metroid Game Comics! For the first time ever, English readers can now experience the joy and humor that many Japanese children got back in 1994 with these hilarious comics. The comics were scanned by our very own Sharonlover, and edited by both Capcom and myself. We even cleaned up the pages and translated all the Sound FX words as an added bonus! For those that can read Japanese, the original, unmodified version is also accessible. You will not be able to find a better translation of these comics anywhere else but the MDb.
The second comics update comes to you in the form of the Nintendo Power Super Metroid comics, which have all been rescanned and reassembled for your viewing pleasure. Again, you will probably not be able to find a cleaner, clearer version of these comics anywhere else on the net. Hope you enjoy them!
--Infinity's End