Sad News: IGN Will No Longer be Hosting MDb
05.31.2009 - CapCom

IGN announced last week that they will be closing down their free hosting services for sites that are offshoots of Gamespy, Planets, and Classicgaming - this includes the MDb as well as many other favorite gaming fansites. They will be closing down the service on midnight, August 31, 2009, at which time all the sites will be deleted. All the Fileplanet storage, however, will remain functional.

All is not lost, however. Konfiskated Teknologies is offering free hosting to us and every other IGN Hosting refugees. Kontek has been the proud hoster of The Mushroom Kingdom and David Wonn's Unique Video Game Glitches, so they've been around for awhile and it's great to see them giving us this offer. We're still waiting for news from Classicgaming for them to decide where they plan to go, but some of our close affiliates are already heading to Kontek, so you may very well see us at mdb.kontek.net in the near future...

Until next time...
Captain Commando
