October 17, 1997
10.17.1997 - TJ

Well somebody on the Message Board posted this but I wanted to wait til I saw it myself...the latest issue of GameFan magazine (Vol. 5 Issue 10) had this to say in their "Other Stuff" column:

  • "Metroid 64 will make its debut at the Shoshinkai for the 64DD. No word on how far along development is, but we do know that the game is scheduled for a Christmas '98 release (c'mon Nintendo, you can do better than that). Of special interest is the possibility of Metroid 64 being the first cart/disc combo on the N64."

...Now as you know, I have given up on taking this kind of info at face value, so for now my opinion is "I'll believe it when I see it." It sure is nice to see it in print though, isn't it? :) (And speaking of nice to see in print, how 'bout that picture of Morrigan on page 150? Yowza! ^_^)

