Happy Halloween from the MDb!
10.31.2007 - CapCom

Even though most of us have already gone to Halloween parties on Saturday, today is the actual day when everybody has an excuse to dress up as whatever they want to be (I'm personally thinking we need more Kraid costumes!). Whether you're on the giving or receiving end of the candy, or just partying out, there's lots to do! Personally, I've been getting my gaming fix through the totally awesome Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles. Three sweet games for just $30 is a done deal for any self-respecting oldschool or Castlevania fan with a PSP!

In other news, some of the more creative denizens of the MDb have put their skills to good use in the carving of these really awesome pumpkins! Great job, guys!

Infinity's End


Until next time...
Captain Commando
