MDb news since 1996.
Happy Metroid release day, everyone!
It's out folks! We hope you are spending the day and possibly the entire weekend with this brand new title. I have already put a good four or so hours into the game and (I know these are big words) I think this might be the best Metroid game to come out since Zero Mission. The game just oozes with polish, from the very start with its layered 3D intro sequence, to remixes of the Metroid 2 OST, to subtle creatures moving around in the deep backgrounds of the game. No matter where you are, SR388 feels alive. And it's a wonderful feeling. Best of all it's CHALLENGING! I've gotten lost, had difficulty finding out where to go next, and died at least 10 times already and I couldn't be happier.
Don't pass up one of the best Metroid experiences we've ever been graced with. Expect our reviews soon.
Secondly, I want to also give you a little teaser of what we've been working on:

It's not in a state where we're willing to show it to you yet, but that should give you enough of a taste. Also, ignore that placeholder banner from last year. ;)
TBH, the current site has taken a bit of a backseat because we've been working furiously on redesigning the new Metroid Database. Our site literally has 20 years of content on it. Due to this, a lot of our content has to be downloaded and re-uploaded in order for it to fit into our new page templates. It's seriously straight-up, work. And not a lot of us have time to put in those hours - especially for free. We are currently planning on launching on our new website on the site's 21st anniversary, October 16, complete with a brand new Samus Returns section. (So please stop asking us if we're going to add new sections to the current site. We're not.)
Lastly, since today is a very special day in the history of the Metroid franchise, I want to share something special with all of you. I now unveil to you, our 1.25" enamel pins:
As you can see, each pin is backstamped with our URL and is shaped like the classic S-logo from Super. These will be available on our webstore on the day we launch our new website, so please check back then! They will be very reasonably priced. And yes, they look beautiful. Each pin will also come affixed to a backer card that we think you'll really enjoy. We assure you, you will want one. Limited quantities will be available. And if they sell out, it will only lead to more pin opportunities!
I hope you will all come back then and share your time with the Metroid Database for another 21 years. Now go and enjoy some Samus Returns!
--Infinity's End