The document you see below is historical in the context of this site and well over a decade old. Our once-regular poster by the name of nameless compiled these posts from our message board throughout 1997 and 1998. While the hunt has long since ended, this document remains as a testament to the excitement we all felt upon discovering new and uncharted glitch worlds of Metroid and Metroid II. Even my own submissions to this compilation were the seeds for what would become the Metroid II Secret Worlds website.
Being as old as it is, all of the hyperlinks and images have long since broken and disappeared, lost in time. I have attempted to preserve this document as best as possible. Enjoy!
--Jesse D
The Great Secret World Hunt
Compiled by Metroid fans on the MDb Message BoardOk, everyone, you know the deal: Find a new area in any Metroid game, then post it. This is the third and final chapter of the great secret world saga. I'll tabulate the ones that have already been found below.
Posted by Justin Bailey on September 19, 1997 at 15:25:20: Well,I,Justin Bailey,Master of all Weird Metroid Stuff, have discovered a new secret world.Well,to tell ya the truth, its more like a secret room.First,go to Kraids' world, or whatever the name of that place is.Go to the third door down(the one on the LEFT side.),and procced through untill you arrive at another vertical hall.Wall jump your way up that wall.Then at the top you will be in the most sadistic room of death I've ever seen;it has three of those hopping creatures and one of those annoying little bird creatures. And thats the secret room.No doors,no ledges.Just a trap. Still,its kind of cool if you're a secret place-fanatic. Weird,huh? Now if I can only discover a REAL secret world..... Justin Bailey
Posted by Justin Bailey on September 27, 1997 at 15:07:35: Reporting the latest,sir! It's sad,but I spent 2 and a half hours today exploring the darndest of places,yet have found nothing but......(try to hold the suspense).....GLITCHES!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes I wonder if Gumpei Yokoi was on medication when he supervised that game..........Anyway,I do know of one secret world that I kinda forgot about that isn't from this page!! JOY!!! Ok,here it is.....Go to Kraid's Hideout. Go in the first door to the RIGHT(not left),and make your way through that shaft of baddies.When you get to a shaft going up that has those crawling-things,get to the top and do your wall-jump,and VOILA!! A very trapped secret world(meaning its filled with trap-doors,) that you are VERY welcome to explore!!! I'm not sure if I discovered this by myself,though. I think I might have got it from an NES page,and I wish knew the name so I could give that guy the credit!! Happy Hunting!!! JUSTIN BAILEY
Posted by Justin Bailey on September 30, 1997 at 19:25:05: Another secret room of death!!!! Okay,go to Kraids world,(AGAIN?) go to the second door down,to the left. Go through the proceeding hall,until you get to a vertical shaft.Go down to the very bottom,(thats through the lava),and proceed through that door.When you get to another vertical shaft,wall-jump,and there you are!!!!! The entire purpose,(and what the programmers intende,I bet,)of this room is to destroy you!!! How, you might ask? By draining you with those nasty-bird-thingies that shoot out of holes,that's how!!!! By the way,does TJ know about this? I hope he's reading............. Sadly though,this might be the last secret world in the game. I can't think of anywhere else to look for now. But if I get informed of any more,you will be the first to know. justin bailEy
Posted by Andy Schmidgall on September 29, 1997 at 15:53:40: Okay, this is something in Metroid 2. I haven't found a way to get into it yet, so any input, ideas, etc. would be appreciated. You need the spring ball for this. First of all, in the zone with the wave beam, varia, boots, spring ball, there is an alpha in a cave way up top and to the right. If you spider ball underneath the cave and go to the right until you get to where the wall goes down, you can bomb a section of the ceiling and go up inside the roof. (If this is really confusing, tell me and I'll try to explain better. I'll try to get a picture of it too.) Anyway, go up into the vertical passage you bomb out, and you will find a passage to the right. If you go all the way to the end and hold the jump button down (In ball form obviously) you will jump and the viewscreen will inch up. You can see into where the alpha would be, but there's nothing there, just empty gray space. There's a lot of othere places that you can bomb up into the ceiling too -- in the other ruins, and there are some other places where you can see the empty space areas. Anyway, if anybody knows anything, finds anything, likes it, etc, just post! Also, post more M2 secret areas! I think I've gone through all the areas thouroughly, but you never can be sure! Oh yeah, there are some missile pods and an energy tank in other places where you can bomb the ceilings. They're helpful. -Andy Schmidgall Your local Metroid 2 Expert!
Posted by Andy Schmidgall on October 02, 1997 at 20:49:48: Okay, I'll try to explain a little better... I have some pictures now; I posted the first message at school, or else I would have gotten them earlier. First of all, there are many places in Metroid 2 that are just repeated rooms. Things like the Chozo statue rooms, a lot of the places in the ruins, etc. I think they did this to save space, maybe made basic rooms once and recall them from many different places. Anyway, the ceilings in all the big ruins caves (Where the ancient buildings w/all the weapons, etc. are) are made this way, so this "trick" works everywhere. You can bomb away the corners of the ceiling (See picture: I hope this works!)
Okay, that picture showed where the location is. Just set bombs there, and then engage the spider ball when you're in the tunnel before you fall out. Eventually, you'll get to this point:
(Wow, isn't cut & paste wonderful?) That picture showed what you'll eventually get to. In some of the horizontal tunnels, there are missile pods, and even another energy tank. Anyway, since that area is in every ruins cave, there's a lot of them. The one I was talking about specifically was under the cave of an Alpha Metroid in the zone with the varia. You enter the secret tunnel from the left, and go all the way right. Hold the jump button down, and you will jump repeatedly, making the screen inch upwards. Where the Alpha Metroid's cave should be is just empty space. I'll get a picture up soon. I'm not really sure if this is a secret world or not, but it never hurts to check out all possibilities! About playing other Metroid games, I've played Super Metroid, and I love it! If I only had a Super Nintendo... I've only played Metroid 1 on my computer emulator, so the control was really funky and it ran kind of slow, so I didn't really get the feel for it. I need to find a real copy of it and play it on my friend's Nintendo. (If only I had a regular Nintendo...) Basically, I play Metroid 2 more because all I have is a GameBoy. I have a N64, but sadly, Metroid 64 (for lack of any other name) isn't out yet. -Andy Schmidgall Your Local Metroid 2 Expert!
Posted by nameless on October 05, 1997 at 20:43:11: Ok, my friends, here is the latest post reguarding secret worlds. I believe this is pretty signifacant because I have never seen anything resembling it anywhere. First of all I will have to tell you how I found it: To be able to find this world you must first be able to do this wall jump trick that I figured out. Most people probably already know this and passed it off as some messed up glitch (like the origional wall jump isn't.) When you do the wall jump trick in areas that scroll up, you will find that If you don't allow the screen to move up you will jump off the top of the screen. This is what makes this trick possible. Get in a door and start wall jumping by pressing down, jump alternating. Allow yourself to move off the top of the screen. As soon as you see the screen nudge down a little, stop wall jumping and just start regular jumping. This will actually make the screen move down instead of up! Now, as soon as the screen stops scrolling down, start wall jumping again until Samus comes out the bottom of the screen. Stop wall jumping and make the screen scroll down until it stops. Now repeat. This allows you to move down and have access to god knows how many new secret worlds. To date I have found four areas. Here is a tip on how to make wall jumping less tiring and provide for less of a chance of getting stuck. Put the controller on your knees, then use your two index fingers to press the up button and the jump button respectively. If you allow the same incriment of time between each press of a button, you will not get stuck in the wall by staying in a ball. Practice is the only way to get it down to a science. I almost sh*t my pants when I saw this first area. Ok, in the rocky world, from the starting point, go to the right until you come to the first virticle shaft. Do the wall jump trick described above here. You will soon come to a room and then Samus will drop into it and the screen won't scroll down anymore. Youre f*ckin' stuck! After minipulating my timing a little. I could see the whole room. And guess what was in it. An elevator shaft. It's probably nothing but it would be friggin' awesome if it was some new world that the programmers just forgot to put in the game. I have dicked around with this for hours but I just can't seem to get into this room. If anyone has any ideas or knows how to access this type of room, I would surely apreciate your input. The thing is, when you get to the room, there is no wall above the door. You've probably noticed in other areas that you can't wall jump in this type of room because there is nothing to jump into. This is that type of room. Any ideas Justin Bailey, master of all wierd stuff, TJ, anyone? Ok the next areas that I found are located at the bottom of the first gold shaft. Go up from the previously explained shaft and go to the first door on the right. Cross the corridor with black above and below it and go all the way to the bottom of the gold shaft. Do the downward wall jump trick. You will soon come to a room filled with those wierd little armored flying creatured and a couple of those nasty spiked crawling things. This is one secret room. If you continue down, after what seems like an eternity for your poor fingers, you will come to another secret room identical to the one above. If you continue down from there, you will come across my next big find. This room has a chozo statue in it. But... But, it has the same problem as that elevator shaft room. You just fall into it and you can' do a damn thing!!! Please, I didn't want to reveal the locations of these rooms until I could give you guys a good explanation on how to get into it, but now I'm asking you to help me figure it out. It would be kick ass if there was a way into them. I think it's just a matter of timing your jumping so you come out of the bottom of the room instead of dropping into the middle of it. Ideas would be greatly apreciated. Oh, and one more thing, these are the only aread that I have explored so far, I havn't even left the first level. There are bound to be thousands of other areas like these ones. So start up those wall jumping fingers, and you, Justin Bailey, how about findin' some more of those awesome rooms of death. I'll be waiting for some help. Thanks boys (and girls.) -- nameless out.
Posted by Justin Bailey on October 09, 1997 at 15:53:07: Okay,I've done a lot of searching today, and no, I haven't yet found a way to get into that elevator room. But I have found a secret world that you might not know about. Its really weird though, and you might have to do some pretty crazy stuff to get in. Okay, you know that vertical passage that contains the bomb? The one in Brinstar. Anyway,if you do, then perform the wall-jump-down-trick here. You'll pass up one of those rooms with spikey-crawling things. Continue down,and what will you find? AN ELEVATOR PASSAGE. You will become stuck here, like in the other one(the one you explained), but there is a way out! I'm not sure how I did it, but you'll have to take my word for it: you gotta do something crazy. I don't know how, but by jumping around in the position that I was, I managed to wall-jump my way into the elevator room. And guess what? The elevator isn't there. The elevator shaft is, but the elevator isn't, so when you jump in, its just lava. I know that sounds weird, but I PROMISE that this place is real. Anyway, there is also a door here, and when you go in, there is a room with an empty weapon orb. Continue further and its just a dead end. Anyway, if I find anything else interesting I'll tell you. Justin Bailey ------ ------
Posted by Justin Bailey on October 10, 1997 at 16:35:16: I have found a way to get into the elevator room!!! It involves use of Game Genie , though. And if you don't own a Game Genie then rent one or something!!! This is VERY important. Use THIS Genie code, and you will jump down a wall when ever you shoot upwards!! The code is: SUPEAI. You can explore anywhere with this code!!!! TOTAL POWER!!!!! Justin Bailey ------ ------
I'm not sure if that's all of 'em so tell me if it isn't. I added a couple since the last time I posted this. Even though this is the last time I'm posting this message, The Great Secret World Hunt is by no means over and I'm sure there are more areas to be found. There are probably a few late stragglers which is why I posted this message for the third and last time. There is still an ongoing quest for more undiscovered territory. So, If you find any new places that weren't mentioned here, post 'em on this board or in a response to this message. I thank everyone, especially Justin Bailey for participating in this great hunt. If you found a new vast world or if you just have something to say about one, then feel free to post it. Thank you everyone. -- nameless out. P.S. If many more worlds are found, I may tabulate them one more time for everyone's convenience.
After the Great Secret World Hunt came to a close, I was surprised to see many new findings appear on this message board. Some of these include new secret worlds for Metroid 2 and somewhat of a secret room for Super Metroid. I will tabulate all of the new findings below, and remember if you have some new codes or tricks, or you just want to report some new areas you have found, don't hesitate to post them on this board. -- nameless out
Posted by Tyler on October 22, 1997 at 11:51:56: (note, this message is in regard to Metroid 2) ok, the bug is this: hit the SELECT BUTTON OVER AND OVER AGAIN as you're moving vertically in a single direction. you have to keep hitting it REALLY FAST. sometimes it takes awhile to work, so keep trying. and you need to do it near a wall for it have any effect. eventually, a single row of the wall should shift over, sometimes allowing you to go off the screen and into places you shouldn't be able to get to. a few times I've gotten into weird areas with scrambled graphics, but once as I was doing it in the exit shaft after beating the queen, I managed to come out back in the main part of the game! no matter where I went it would play the same music from the room right before the queen, and if I touched a missile recharge, it would show the ending. strangest of all is that the queen is still there if you go back to the end again. anyway, this bug may not exist in later versions of the game, so your mileage may vary. but if you can get it to work, I'd be interested to hear the results. I've found a couple of secret areas in the game this way that don't seem to be glitches, but haven't had much luck reproducing the trick in order to get back. so everyone try this, eh? Tyler
Posted by Kuwanger on October 23, 1997 at 20:03:16: Okay, if your like me, you hate doing all the work required to be able to get to each of the different Secret Worlds (and there are many). Recently, I acquired information that allows easy access to all the Secret Worlds. Just use these codes. ALLGKP - This code gives you all weapons (your beam, which is the ice beam, appears to be a bluish energy ball), infinite missles(even though there appear to be none), and infinite energy(your energy always stays between 30 and 39). EEXTTY - This code allows you to go upward through any wall. KAPGEI - This code is gives you the power of the Space Jump, except for one key difference. You do not have to be at any certain point in your jump to jump again, you just have to be jumping in a somersault for it to work. One know glitch. At the end of the game, in Tourian, for some reason I do not know, your jump is severly crippled sometimes forcing you to stay very near to the ground. It might have something to do with the Rinkos, but I'm not 100% sure of that. Anyways, through playing around, I've discovered a Secret World above the elivators of Norfair, Hideout II, Hideout I, and above the room in Brinstar where you can go to Norfair. Interesting enough, above Hideout I, there is an elivator. Go up it to go to an "interesting" brinstar. Have fun, and tell if you find any more Secret Worlds.
Posted by Andy Schmidgall on October 24, 1997 at 09:30:20: This is a follow up on the glitch posted by Tyler. This is so cool! I got it to work when I was in the last ruins stage. This is where the Zeta Metroids are, and you get the screw attack. Anyway, I did it inside the building part and was able to open up a passage in the left wall. I went into a kind of nether world. I fell left and down and ended up near the end in that big cave right under the Queen that has the septoggs (Those things you can stand on and they fall). Anyway, there are save points all over the screen, so I saved it there and it actually saved me in the screwed up place! That last part was probably pretty confusing, so I'll give you the conclusions I came to after an hour or so of exploring... (Note that these are my opinions of what is probably happening, not what actually is) 1) Hitting select over and over probably interferes with the information the cartridge sends to the GameBoy, and therefore the GameBoy fails to draw one of the lines in the game. 2) When you go into these holes, you can often go into the walls which lead into places that don't have any information, and then they just put in junk. 3) When you move inside this "nether world" you still move around in the global game environment, so you can move into other places in the actual game. 4) I think that all the junk is caused by the game shifting the values over a certain amount. (I'll try to find out by editing the rom on my computer, but I can't guarantee anything cause of those darn checksums) I think this because of the everpresent halves of the save columns (not the whole save column, just halves of it) scattered everywhere. If you look at the background, you notice that it's not just black, but it has some strange tangle-net stuff in the background. Also, I fought a Metroid while it was messed, and the picture was comprised of numbers, letters, and other strange symbols. Also, I went a long way left and down, and I came upon the baby Metroid's egg! It hatched out, but it looked like those green jumpy things in Super Metroid (I hope you know what I'm talking about). I think that it was actually a messed up Picher Fly or something though. I tried to get back to the ship with it, but it always disappears when I go too far to the right. Anyway, tell me what you think of my findings: opinions, critiques, etc. I'll also try to do this on my emulator and get some screen shots and even a saved game! -Andy Schmidgall Your Local Metroid 2 Expert!
Posted by Mike Z on October 27, 1997 at 20:20:23: goes: Words of warning: This exists only in the early copies of Metroid 3, so I hope you prepaid for yours.....also, it's not a "secret" room, i.e. it wasn't intended, or so say the Nintendo reps... Also, *read* the FAQ first, as you need to know SpeedBall: Go to Norfair, to the room where you fought the Crocomire. Walk to the edge of the platform you fought him on (so you're on 2 blocks overhanging lava). Now walk left, and look at the growths from the floor. You should see a small growth, then a small growth next to a wide one, then a wide one all alone. Remember where the lone wide growth is. Ok....go back to the left side of the platform and Run. When you reach the aforementioned (!!) wide growth, hit&hold Jump. In the air, do an Air Speedball. *Don't* let go of Jump. If done right, and you have the right version, you bounce once in the lava, and then break through the top-right block of the room.... ...into a vast empty space with a green Chozo, and the game freezes. I'm still on working a way around the freeze....if there is one. You can put that in the G.S.W.H, nameless. Mike Z
Posted by Andy Schmidgall on November 05, 1997 at 16:55:21: Finally I got some pictures of the glitch! Hopefully, I'll have some better ones up soon! So, here they are (with appropriate captions):
Sometimes rows are added or shifted on the screen:
Hope you like 'em! -Andy Schmidgall Your Local Metroid 2 Expert!
Posted by nameless on November 12, 1997 at 19:30:27: Hey, I was just screwing around with diferant ideas for codes and I came up with this one: KUSTIN (JUSTIN didn't work). It makes it so the you fall right through the floors like they aren't even there at all. It's really cool when your trying to explore those secret worlds that go down forever. Just activate the code and when you have fallen to the level that you want, deactivate it. It's great, like the SUPEAI code wasn't good enough! Oh, by the way, the TTXTTT code makes my game lock up. Also, I bet there is a code that allows you to go left through walls also. Then you would be able to move freely in any direction without having to go around any walls. Isn't game genie great!?! Well, gotta go. -- nameless out
Posted by nameless on November 15, 1997 at 16:42:45: Ok, I know this secret world stuff is getting kind of old, but I have to report on this. Many of you probably already know about this but I want to report about it any way. I was just screwing around with those new secret world game genie codes when I found it. I went down the elevator to norfair. Then, I space jumped up the elevator shaft. After a while, I came to a secret world with an elevator in it. It is a verticle oriented world with lots of dead ends and stuff (I havn't explored all of it). But this is the wierd part. When you take the elevator up, all of the stuff above the elevator will disapear, the colors of the walls and stuff will change and you will find yourself in a segment of one of those brinstarian virtical shafts. It won't scroll up or down and there is a door on the left. If you go into the door, you will find yourself in that horizontal room with the little bug things that fly out of pipes. If you go back into the door, you will be in the elevator room that leads to norfair. Wierd! There is another secret world like this that Kuwanger talked about. I have no idea why these types of areas exist above the elevators but it seems to substantiate the theory that the secret worlds aren't intentional but just some sort of wierd accidential glitch. (-- nameless out)
Posted by Mike Z on October 30, 1997 at 08:39:06: (in regard to the Metroid 2 secret world glitch) Actually, it seems to work more often in certain areas.... Like if I beat the queen, and do it as I'm walking right, towards the Metroid egg, then most of the time it opens a passage back into the tunnel (under the egg).... But, if I try to do it in any area with "sand" (the stuff that you can stand on, or get rid of by shooting) it almost never works.... Mike Z
Posted by Tyler on October 30, 1997 at 22:14:54: once while I was trying to use the glitch in the area where your ship is, I went OFF THE TOP of the screen, and into an odd room that clearly was not a glitch. I was stuck in a 2 or 3 block-wide column of shootable blocks that went up a few blocks, then bent to the right. I tried to bomb my way through, but accidenty fell off the screen and back toward the ship in the process. I've never been able to do it again. Tyler
Posted by Andy Schmidgall on October 31, 1997 at 14:35:34: I was in the area that has the Zeta Metroids and screw attack. There's a building all the way to the left (west?) side of the area. You can go into the bottom, and there's these blocks you can go up the long vertical passage with... Anyway, I did the select thing while I was falling down the left side of this passage, and I opened up a little hole. I went through it, then fell down a long way. I came out into the very end part where there's that big huge cavern under where the queen is (You know, 3 openings at the top) and it was all messed up like everything is with the glitch. Then, I went off the right side, and went up for a few screens, and it brought me back to the beginning! I've noticed something before, but this glitch confirmed it: There are 2 different types of transitions to the next room. One is where the view just shifts left or right, and then you continue right away. The other, however, makes the screen fade to black, and then fade back in. I thought that this was probably where new areas were loaded into the memory, but I wasn't sure. Now I am! When you go through the second transition when everything is screwed up during the glitch, it resets everything. If you go through the first one though, it doesn't reset the things. Anyway, just an observation. -Andy Schmidgall Your Local Metroid 2 Expert!
Welp, here it is. The highly anticipated update to the Great Secret World Hunt (GSWH)! Since the last update, messages have been accumulating on my archive file. Many new developments have been made regarding the nature of the secret worlds including an official confirmation from Dan Owsen himself. The Metroid II secret worlds have been explored more deeply and many new areas of Zeebes have been uncovered as well. The quantity of information has more than doubled since last time, so there will definitely be enough to keep you busy. Well, what are you waiting for? Go check 'em out! -- nameless out
Posted by Justin Bailey on November 24, 1997 at 10:35:29: In Reply to: Hey, Justin Bailey posted by Ridley on November 23, 1997 at 21:49:18: : Hey, Justin Bailey, do you have any more weird passwords, or secret worlds up your sleeve? If so, then tell me! By the way- it's fun to wall jump to the top of one of the suspension bridges. I've always wanted to do that. The invisible lava is a surprise, though. : I like the Sega password, and the TJ password! By the way, how do you serve one electrocuted Draygon? Just as is, or do you fry it some more? I mean, it's got to be a delicacy somewhere! Heck I do!! Try this: IMINAB IKINIX (fill row with blank spaces). This doesn't put you in a bikini, but maybe it does for the ending. If you think that's outrageous for Nintendo, you haven't seen a thing. Not a thing. I have others, but it would take me a while to remember some, and I don't have the time right now, so I'll try to give you some later. As for secret worlds, are you sure? I mean, I discovered quite a few, and believe me, they are just TOO weird. Try wall-jumping down at entrance to elevator room that leads to your hideout. I guess since its so close to Ridley's Hideout, I guess you can say this secret world is yours. Man, its huge. Weird too. As for your Draygon question, I don't know, I don't own Super Metroid;just the first and second ones. I'm glad you like the secret worlds, but what do you mean by "suspension bridge"? I do know what you mean by the invisible lava though. That stuff rules over all weirdness. I'm glad you appreciate my passwords, cuz I have tons of 'em!! Till later... Justin Bailey ------ ------
Posted by CYndrome the Mapper on March 04, 1998 at 06:43:46: I think some worlds are not so secret at all. The secret's achieved with wall climbing tricks are not secret, they are cool but you cannot map those because some of them are so big that i wouldn't fit in your normal map. greetz mark The ones I've been mapping are only visitable though game genie codes... I've named a few of them. Prinstar is accessable by going to the elevator a few screens right, down, and right once more, and then using GG codes to get past the statue wall thing (sorry, Metroid me just learning. I admit my Newbieism! I am planning to buy Metroid tomarrow! (Thanks person who selling it who I forget name of!)) From calculations I made, and with the help Pokos and Podos (two other worlds,) I have determined that the worlds I have explored are not _completely_ glitches. My reasoning for this is that, when mapped, they fit perfectly. My naming of the worlds is purely for my personal use right now. The worlds I have explored are extremely small (the Gemini worlds of Pokos and Podos are only 2 screens or so large each!) I know this post is getting REALLY badly writen (I'm tired!) I have one thing left to say: The worlds I have discovered, if I have truly discovered them, I do not wish to be called worlds, but caves. Their small size does NOT constitute a world. I'll try to make a few small maps in paint brush tomarrow, or maybe scan a couple of images up. I'll also try to get my dad to pay me my babysitting money so that I can actually BUY Metroid... ::sigh:: Time to go! Blessed Be! CYndrome the Mapper
(add on to previous message) S= Starting Location V= Vertical Shaft H= Horizontal Shaft E= Elevator Location h= Prinstar Horizontal v= Prinstar Vertical := Place Holder (added by nameless) HSHVHHHHH : V : Vhhhvh (These walls have no end, : VEhhvh (you simply just walk off the screen : hhvh (and you can't return. Jump up : (to see where this area I mapped connect, : (For they do!Note: Some of my calculations on making THIS map may be off, I haven't got it with me and I'm going to school in 10 minutes! Blessed Be! CYndrome the Mapper
Posted by CYndrome the Mapper on March 04, 1998 at 18:45:28: Note: First of all: since this worlds/caves appear to be unmapped and unknown, I wish to now stake claim to them. The worlds/caves I have explored are mine to name, unless otherwise specified by me. They are not acknowledged in the Great Secret World Hunt, so a new part to it may need to be added. I'm reading over The Great Secret Worlds Hunt and, so far, none of the worlds come close to mine except for one: Kuwanger's worlds are near the one I found, except for one key difference. Kuwanger's worlds are said to be ABOVE the elevators, mine are not. My first world, Prinstar, is to the RIGHT of the elevator going down to Kraid's Hideout! Another World (which is it's working name until I think of a better one (Any suggestions?)) can be found by going all the way to the right to the first vertical shaft in which you can NORMALLY only go up. There, use GG codes to go through the floor. You'll see a door (DON'T go through there... nothingness trap. Below these are parts of Prinstar. Then another door. I can't remember if there is anything through there or not. Check it out! If there is, and if these worlds/caves of mine are truly mine and the area does not connect with the rest of Another World in any other way than this door, you can name it and call it your own! Two screens further right and going through the floor allow you to see and see (in order): Pokos, Podos, and the Banshees. So far, the only world(s) I have mapped that is not matching up with other rooms are those found in the Banshees. The Banshees are also the strangest world(s) I have found... they have corridors that don't look like they have doors yet do everywhere! Another Note: Since it gives me something to do and since and I love to organize, send me the worlds you have found, where they are located, and your name for them. I shall do my best to record your find and add it to my map. You should report all worlds/caves that you find as soon as possible, for, if people do look, the first to find is the first to recieve credit. One Final Note: There is another world I found, I found it by accident before I started mapping. I was so startled by its appearance, and monotony, that I forgot where it was... I think it was near the elevator to Tourian, but I am not sure. PLEASE help me find this world. This world I think shall be called Lavos. Blessed Be! CYndrome the Mapper
Posted by Justin Bailey on March 11, 1998 at 16:34:31: In Reply to: Re: I just found another secret world... with a functional elevator... posted by nameless on March 11, 1998 at 14:05:23: : By the way, there is somewhat of a hidden zone above the elevator : of Tourian. When you go up you will come to a floating whitish mass of blocks and stuff. It looks like : : : : there are some of the parts from mother : brains pedistool mixed in there too. It's not really much but it is still a "secret area." -- nameless out I've seen that secret area above Tourian!! Watch out for it, because I think I got stuck there once. Well, anyway, today I think I discovered a secret world. I didn't check if the GSWH had it, but I didn't remember this one being in it, so here goes: Go to Ridley's Hideout. From there, go to the first door you see. When you reach the vertical passage at the end, go through the ceiling up there. There's a secret world up there that I found to be quite weird. But it's a secret world that makes sense, like Prinstar does. It seems to connect with the other secret world too(the one that TJ mapped)in some places. And it's huge; probably much larger than the actual world that it's in. Justin Bailey ------ ------
Posted by Mike Z on March 11, 1998 at 20:33:01: Just today, I played Metroid (1) on a computer at school (sneaky, eh?) and noticed that some secret worlds, specifically the one above Tourian, is different in the Japanese version of Metroid. This leads to some speculation. Since, presumably, the only thing different about the Japanese cart was the subsitiution of text, it seems reasonable that the "secret worlds are, indeed, glitches. The game probably uses a system of coordinates to determine where in memory it looks for the current room, and puts blocks down depending on the value it finds there. Since the door-jump seems to be unintentional, it's also reasonable to assume that when you go above a room, the game just looks in the memory where the room you're going to would be, and makes it accordingly. However, since these rooms aren't part of the normal level data, you can get weird colors, "trapdoors" and the Chozos holding nothing. And, going with this theory, if part of the world above Tourian is the text-character data, it would explain the fact that it's different in the American and Japanese versions. Hmm....this also means that you *could* find *anything* in a secret world, including, say, Mother Brain or another way to (an) ending.... Whew....long winded, eh? I'm done now, say what you will, it just seems like a reasonable idea. --- Mike Z---I gotta stop analyzing this stuff.....
Posted by Krust In Bailey on March 16, 1998 at 00:48:53: Hey, If anyone's still interested in this secret-world business then I have something that could possibly open up new undiscovered areas. The following game genie code produces a constant pull on samus to the left. Activating this code and the one that lets you fall thru floors when shooting up (supeai) will let you go thru the walls! I tried this in a couple places, like the screen where you get the ball, but haven't found anyplace new. Right now I'm trying to find a code that pulls you to the right (seems like there's more dead ends in that direction) The code: "statik" Also, there are codes that scrolls the screen one full screen to the right. But sometimes samus doesn't scroll with it, so... The code is: "statoe" (or "statxe") One an interesting tangent, it seems that the code "statue" actually makes samus and the creatures on the screen motionless (like a statue!) How's that for irony, huh? -Krust In Bailey P.S. this is my first time posting, so please don't lambaste me if you guys already know these codes. :)
Added by Jesse D on April 3, 1998 at 17:42:00: Metroid II Secret World After I learned about the sort of glitch-trick (where you press the select button really fast) on Metroid II on the Great Secret World Hunt on the Metroid Database, I started experimenting. Near the end of the game, above the last save point and to the left of the big deep pool of goo, I found a hole that could be opened with the select button trick. It's at the first left wall there close to the pool. When you stand next to the closer wall, Space Jump straight up a ways, until the wall is out of view, then press select as fast as you can while you're falling straight back down to where you jumped from. You may have to try a few times. But if this is done correctly, you should open up a hole that you can go through. You'll go to another room, where you will fall to the bottom of it in front of a checker design. Now you're in a secret world! I'm not sure if this is the same way with all Metroid II games, but it darn sure is on mine! Anyway, while you're in this world, you should be VERY careful to not get stuck. It's an easy thing to do. (*)If you go all the way left to a wall in this checkered spot, then go back a little ways and jump up. (You should go back so you miss the wall and not go inside it and get stuck.) As you get to the top of the wall there, go left and fall down to another checker place. Go right this time and you should end up in a large area full of different blocks and save points. This place is very similar to the end of the game when Samus gets back out of the planet with a the baby Metroid and is on her way to her ship. If you go to where her ship would be, you'll find it as just a bunch of blocks. *If you go right in the first checkered spot, you'll go straight back to the beginning area of the game. But now with the different music from the end of the game. Well, this is enough description. It's better if you just explore and find out for yourself! And I would show some pictures of it, but I have no scanner! And I have no other way showing pictures of it. Also, I can't be entirely sure if this works with every game. It may vary, but I'm not sure. So if it doesn't work, sorry. I'm assuming that this is possibl with all of them. (I mean, I know for sure that this select trick that I mentioned isn't only possible on my gameboy.) If you have any questions or anything to say about this, then e-mail me at HAPPY EXPLORING
Posted by Justin Bailey on July 12, 1998 at 18:09:16:
This place is cool. Its located above the Kraid's Hideout elevator, so you'll need to wall jump GG code, and the space jumping code. It leads to a place very much like Brinstar(in fact, I think it is Brinstar, and it does lead to it eventually).
Anyway, check out the screen shot:
Justin Bailey
------ ------
Posted by Gen_Witt on July 14, 1998 at 05:44:08: I've had trouble isolating the code format but I have found the Main Game loop. The fooling GG codes change the boot sequence so that it skips the intro movie. EKLGZE + EKLGZE Put's you in a nevar ending coridor take the elevator to change the pallete. Note there is no opening animation or Start/Code select. If your running an EMU you will have to restart the emulatron (ALT - R in neticle) in order to have the effect. EKLGZE + XVLGLE Put's you in the same place only on top of the roof. If you jump up you can get stuck at the bottom of the screen, when you die you'll start back at the beging as if you had started a new game. But, you didn't see the intro. Again, if your running an EMU you will have to restart the emulatron (ALT - R in neticle) in order to have the effect. If I made a typo on the codes i'm sorry they do work though. Still Working -Gen_Witt Note: Correction posted by Gen_Witt on July 14, 1998 at 05:44:08: Ya I did the first code should read: EKLGZE + EKLGLE Still Working -Gen_Witt Added by Gen_Witt on July 14, 1998 at 20:51:54: All: Well what these two codes do is change something I've called the 'Game Mode' selector. In short as the game is booting it sets the game to the intro. The code tells the game to start in a different mode. The errors/forced secret world comes in because the codes over write the area that resets some part of the game (I haven't identifyed it yet).
Added by gamer metroid on Sun, 19 Jul 1998 20:55:20 -0700 (via e-mail) >Why don't you send me a better explanation of that secret world you >posted. What exactly did you do and what do you find, etc.? Thanx. -- >nameless out O.k. first use the normal gg codes like space jump, god mode(blue energy beam....), "shoot up and go down"! Go to the first elevator(to kraid's layer) the go below the floor(you know inline with the door and big statue thing that hangs over the elevator) So now you are below the the door\elevator(you see can walk to the tube thingy).... go the end of thw wall and you see see part of a new room..... then just go explore that area....
Posted by Andy Schmidgall on July 23, 1998 at 09:22:06:
Okay, I just captured a couple more pictures of the Metroid 2 Secret world. They're pretty much the same, but the "glitch5.GIF" is near the right side of one of the "rooms" inside the secret world, and the other is near the left side.
To Jesse (And whoever else is concerned): These pictures were taken from the secret area that I told you about near the varia.
-Andy Schmidgall
Your Local Metroid 2 Expert!
The Metroid 2 Maniac's Page!
Posted by Charles DuMarr on July 23, 1998 at 20:22:36:
The secret world hunt is back! It would be incredible if all the secret worlds were screenshot mapped, or at least mapped at all.
Nameless and all the others have done a terrific job so far with the hunt, so here's my contribution to the secret world archives.
You all know about the sw above the elevator room in Norfair, and that there's also one above the first vertical shaft to the left.
(two screens left from elevator room, up above ceiling)
OK, so maybe everyone knows about both of these, but did you know that they join up with each other? Thus you can enter
one secret world and then resume normal gameplay entering at a different place in the game.
Here is an gif image of it to look at. Its really quite vast, so I only mapped the part showing how one meets up with the other.
Now read the next post for something more interesting...
Posted by Charles DuMarr on July 23, 1998 at 20:49:38:
Now this is the real meat and potatoes. A secret world in Tourian! A special gg code must be used however: STATXE, a code
that scrolls the screen without you needing to enter a door.
Instructions on use: go to the room in tourian marked "entry point" on the map (top of vertical shaft). Stand still, now activate
STATXE by clicking on it in Nesticle's Rom Patch Window, and keep the window open! (MUST USE NESTICLE!). tap
right. the screen scrolls one screen to the right, but you won't. now let it scroll again, or if it doesn't do it by itself, tap right
again. just before the screen is completely scrolled, double click on the code in the Rom Patch to de-activate it. You should see
Samus on the screen in a corridor room (I don't remember seeing a room like this in Tourian...?). If you don't see samus, try
moving the joystick around (all else fails hit F7. You saved your game before trying this, din't cha?)
Continue exploring straight to the right. avoid going thru doors. TTNTTT, TTXTYT to walk thru walls. etc., etc.
P.S.> My site ,btw, is ugly and a definite work in progress (just got it yesterday). It will NOT focus on metroid games (why
would I bother, everything you need is right here at the MDb. TJ has it covered!) but rather will serve as repository
(suppository, hehe heh..heh...m...sorry.) for my screenshot maps, and the site content will probably focus on other topics: SF,
atari, weird things of my own devise, etc.
Posted by Friend of Samus on July 25, 1998 at 04:04:46: Hey everybody, This is going to take a while to explain, but I'll try my best. First, I'd like to say thanks to the person/persons responsible for finding the secret worlds in Metroid 2. It's the basis for this trick. First, enter the secret world at the end of the game in Metroid two. You'll fall into a checkered room. Then, run along the floor to the left side. Move back to the right about half a screen, then jump up into the next screen. Try not to get stuck. Then move left and fall down as far as possible. Work your way right so you end up in the room with all the save locations. (Might want to save it there...) Then, fall down as far as you can, and make your you stay to the left of the screen. You'll eventually come to a hole in the floor... go down it, but be careful because it's easy to get stuck. This is hard to explain... that's why I said save it in that room... you'll have to feel your way through this. Then, start decending as far as you can go... (This area is STRANGELY similar to the area you escape from at the end of the game). NOTE: SPACE JUMP as much as you can. Eventually, you'll hit the bottom and notice a funky glowing object. (That's the egg of the baby metroid, but it's fucked up because you're in a secret world.) Whatever you do, don't land in this room. Keep space jumping into the next room. The screen will turn black... and POOF! You're in the room of the mother metroid (minus the mother herself). Then, just head back left. That's it. The egg will looked kind of fucked up... so does the baby. Other than that, though, you're in the regular game... only one problem: You can't take off. You can climb all the way back up to your ship, but you can't get off the ground because your counter still says "Metroids - 01" Also, you can't go all the way through the game again... the entrance in the begining is sealed off. Point of Story: Give yourself a pat on the back and reset the game. Friend of Samus By the way: I had a discussion with her... being how I am a really close friend... she's not a lesbian. She just wanted me to clear that up for all of you. Although, she does tend to hang out with a bunch of Zebesians.
Posted by Mike Z on July 25, 1998 at 14:55:27: The secret world save point room is the end of the game! It's just being read wrong, probably a couple of bits or a byte off. Why? (Hereafter I will call the whole part after the Queen's room, with the Baby and Samus' ship, the end-of-game, OK?) Enter the room. Proceeding right -> along the floor, (i.e. using Spider Ball at the bottom of the room) you encounter: 1. A tunnel that takes you down (through a passage shaped like the one you exit through) to a screwed-up baby Metroid egg which can hatch (you don't wanna land, though), and back into the Queen's room. --(Note 1 at the bottom, read it when you get there)-- 2. Proceeding furthur right, you climb a long vertical wall which resembles the long wall you have to go over to get to Samus' ship. 3. At the top of the wall, it is the same shape as the top of the wall at the end-of-game, except that the 2 'indents' in the top aren't solid (though they look it, they'll drop you into [now] unexplored caverns). 4. Passing over the 2 'dents', you come to the edge, and fall a loooong way down (of course, it's obstructed by junk). Be careful to stick close to the left wall, as there is no floor! If you fall through the floor to the room below, it's another unexplored place..... 5. If you reach the bottom OK, next to the wall is a pile of stuff just like next to Samus' ship, and Space Jumping right we come to a floating island which, if you ignore what it's made out of, it's the same basic shape as the ship! Also, there is a missile powerup (that you can't get) floating behind it, which may well be the screwed-up game's reading of the little thing you get inside the ship to end the game. --(Note 2 at the bottom)-- 6. Space jump still furthur right, and you come to a wall which resembles the blocked-off entrance to the beginning of the game, which you encounter at the end-of-game. 7. The beginning of the secret world (the checkered stuff you stand on) is right above the top of the save point room. It's the game's reading of that deadly stuff you encounter when you space-jump too high at the end-of-game..... Tada! --Note 1-- The Queen's room you enter from above, the room with the bottom blocked off and the left opened up (i.e. after you win), and the end-of-game-baby-Metroid-egg place are 3 different rooms. That's why the fade to black when you exit the Queen's room, it's loading somewhere else. Also, that's why, though you enter the Queen's room through the screwed-up end-of-game, the room (and the end-of-game you get to when you leave) are normal. (Because it's not connected, it's just jumping around in the game's memory.) --Note 2-- You can't get the little end-the-game icon because the Metroid counter isn't zero. However, if you kill the Queen, use the Select trick to open up a hole the passage under the Baby's egg (walk left while hitting Select), THEN go back....first off, you can save with zero Metroids, which is cool, but if you then go to the secret world, you can get both the end-the-game icon that's described in another post AND the missile-powerup, (getting which, incidentally, ends the game :^) However, you can't get to the end-of-game normally (i.e. not through the secret world at all) again, because there's no Queen to kill :^( Anyhoo.... --- Mike Z---Cool, huh?
Posted by nameless on July 31, 1998 at 00:07:21: I was rescently doing some net surfing and came across some GG codes for Super Metroid that I thought may be useful for searching for secret worlds. I havn't been able to try them because I don't have Super Game Genie and I don't know how to use them on SNES9x (anyone know how?). But anyway, they may be of some use. I don't know if they would work the same on the Japanese version or not. Well, here they are. D7BC-C9A7 This is the Gravity Code. It allows you to fall down through floors. To do it you have to hold the jump button and press right and left really fast. 55BC-C567 This code apearantly allows you to see around the boarders of the screen. It might be useful in searching for the edges of hidden rooms. You can also change the first two didgets to get diferent effects. [non relevant information removed (I can do that can't I?)] Also, if you ask me, I think the SMetroid secret world would most likely be located in the old Brinstar at the far right. This is where the game continued in the first Metroid but it is now just a dead end. It seems like there could be room for something to the right of there (either that or in the wrecked ship somewhere). Well, that's all for now and I encourage you in your quest for the Super Metroid secret world. Hope ya' find what you are looking for and I also hope the info I gave you helps a little. Well, bye fer now. -- namelss out
Posted by Charles DuMarr on July 31, 1998 at 16:18:09:
OK. there are two kinds of secret worlds in metroid 1. the first kind take to actual places on the map. for instance, you go up
above a vertical shaft and above you is a room that looks like a point on the horizontal shaft that should be above you on the
map. Well, that's cause it is that point on the map. the game correctly brought you to the right place on the map but the screen
can't scroll horozontally because the game still thinks you're in a vertical shaft. These aren't secret worlds but are rather
shadows of actual places on the map, therefore aren't worth mapping because all you have to do is look at your game map.
The second kind of secret worlds are places that don't exist anywhere on the map. These are true secret worlds. some of the
rooms may look like other places you've seen, but the order the rooms are in is completely different: they don't correspond to
any location on the ACTUAL game map. these worlds need to be mapped.
the pictures posted here show the locations of ALL the secret worlds (red numbered dots), plus all the "shadow worlds" (small
purple dots). This should save people the trouble of looking for secret worlds and going down blind alleys.
also there are green blocks on the map above. these indicate short cuts. a short cut occurs when you go past a wall, ceiling or
floor that you normally can't and it takes you to the adjascent place on the map without a glitch.
Now anyone who wants to map a secret world can do so quickly without laborious searching. just go to a numbered location
(RED DOT) and start mapping. that is if anyone cares about mapping the damn things anymore.:)
whatever happened to that guy Cyndrome the Mapper? he used to be into secret world mapping but he hasn't posted since the
board came back up. oh well.
Posted by Charles DuMarr on August 02, 1998 at 10:36:50:
Here are instructions on how to get to the Alternate Norfair:
1) activate these codes: UNEYGO, KAPGEI, EEXTTY
2) go to Kraid's Hideout
3) go thru the ceiling above the elevator.
4) above the elevator there are those yellow tracks that the elevator goes on. center yourself in between the tracks, keep
jumping up using the "space jump", and press up while you do so.
5) if you center it properly and remember to press up, you will start to rise as if you are on an elevator. then you will see an
elevator arrive in that alternate brinstar place, but where are you? don't worry. don't press left or right, press down.
6) elevator arrives in norfair without you on it. don't fret, you are SOMEWHERE.
7) hit the jump button repeatedly and press to the left or right a little. the screen will scroll up until it can't anymore, then you will
appear from the bottom of the screen. you should be in a purple room.
8) Hey, This isn't Norfair! it's an "alternate norfair". Use codes like SUPEAI, TTNTTT, TTXTYT, plus the ones you're already
using to explore. there's a map attached to this post (hard to miss, it's so big)
OK, the map might look weird, so here's a secret world Rule of Thumb that may help. If a screen scrolls horozontally, and you
would like to continue going horizontally, then avoid going in doors. use TTXTYT, TTNTTT to go thru walls.
If you go thru a door, most likely the next room will be a vertical scrolling type of room.
I hope you like the map. It took quite a while, it was a pain.
Have fun in this strange new secret world!
P.S. post a follow up if these directions are difficult to understand. it is kind of hard to explain + i'm bad at explaining things.
Posted by _Zaphod_ on August 02, 1998 at 14:37:24: Why the Secret Worlds exist: It's simple, realy. Metroid is a tightly *packed* game. Whole screenfuls are represented by a single byte in memory, and looked up in a lookup table. This way, each room type is only stored in memory ONCE, This isn't exactly how it works, but it basically works like that. Now ALL of the memory is used in this cart. They really had to pack it down. ANyway, you know hw the game knows to stop scrolling? It's simple. the game has many "scroll stops" coded into the map data, so the game knows when to stop the scrolling. However, some areas that should have scroll stops do not. Basically, every area that is at the edge of the game map is supposed to have a scroll stop. However, in some vertical scrolling areas, they frogot to put in the scroll stop. The reason for this is low memory. TO fit the game onto the 128k cart, they had to leave off a few scroll stops. Anyway, they probaly figured "i'll just leave some of these off, no one can pass through the ceiling/floor/walls anyway." well, due to game genie codes, and the famous wall jump trick, it became possible to go through ceilings and floors. When you go past one of these areas where there should be a scroll stop, you go out of map data, and start reading the levels from program code memory instead of the level data area. However, since it's implemented as a lookup table, instead of a bunch of garbage, you see entire seemingly coherent rooms! But each screenful in a secret world has it's twin in the real world. To sum up, the "secret worlds" are simply glitches, and nothing more. They are brought about by an error in the roll into a ball code, and low memory. (the error in the ball code is that when rolling into a ball, you are a half a block above the ground instead of on it.) PS: i can explain the Minus world glitch in SMB, and provide proof positive that it's a glitch. This one is even simpler. it's lazy coding. When you enter a warp zone area, the warp pipe destinations are not set until the text appears. until the text is set, the destination of the middle pipe is 5 (as in the 4-2 underground warpzone) Why they picked this to be the default case, I have no idea. It may have something to do with that this is the simplest warpzone. The left and right pipes are undefined, and point to world " -1" Minus world is completely miss-named. it's true name is "world blank dash one" a space is what is printed over the area that would be above the left and right pipes if they were there when you go to the warp zone to 5-1. Therefore, this blank is what becomes the world "number". Since world " " doesn't exist, there is no map data for it. When it gets to the branch routine that goes to the apropriate spot in the world, the normal world parameters don't get properly initialized, because there is no data to initialise them with. so you get this glitchy world " -1". To prove this to yourself, go down the middle pipe when doing the minus world bit. you will warp to 5-1. Also, go down the right pipe wile running. if you do it just right, after you start going down, it will continue to scroll. Beause you are going down the pipe, the initialization routine is skipped, and so the pipes remain at their defaults when the text display routine is called. a "5" will appear over the middle pipe, and nothing will appear over the other two.
Posted by Jesse D on August 03, 1998 at 22:55:19: There's this sort of world that you can use as a shortcut between ruins in Metroid II! It's all kind of confusing, but here goes: In Metroid 2, there is a shortcut between ruins! It can be very useful in cutting down your time, and getting items way ahead of their time, too! (But, I'm afraid, that would be considered cheating.) In the first Ruin of the game, fall down the far right side of the Ruin wall from the outside. But you have to be falling as a ball to stop yourself when you see a hole. Do the Select Trick as you fall. It may take several tries, but you should eventually open up a hole. As fast as you can, press down to become a Spider Ball and stop your fall on the wall. Then, roll through the hole. You'll fall for a couple of screens, and end up in a little hidden passage way above the second Ruin (that has the Varia). Now you've just taken a shortcut! You can do the exact same thing to the right side of this ruin (on top of the far right wall of the ruin; on the right side of the taller wall). Reapeat everything as if the first Ruin, and you'll eventually end up in a secret passage above the third Ruin! (The one with the Space Jump.) From here, I'm afraid, you can't get any further ahead with this trick. If you try it on this Ruin, you'll shoot right back at the first ruin! (You can be in the phase of the first ruin [second], and equip with all the stuff in the other ruins, the go back to the first ruin without ever messing with the acid! So then, you can finish the phase of the first ruin with 4 energy tanks, a ton more missles, a Spazer Beam, Space Jump, High Jump Boots, Varia, ect. A really handy trick!) Jesse D
Posted by Quirkfinder on August 31, 1998 at 02:44:49: Another quirk I have found for Metroid 2 is that in the same ruin you find the screw attack, There is a hidden missle pod and energy tank. (this makes six tanks total) to get it, remember the place in the ruin where you got the screw attack? at the top of the wall turn in to a ball a fall down next to the wall while doing the select trick. If you do it right a tunnel should open as you are falling. quickly spider ball into this tunnel and you are there. you will fall for about 6 or 7 screens but then you will land on the pod and tank!
Posted by SnowBro on October 04, 1998 at 08:23:04: I finally took the time to write this document, which explains the format of the map data and other things in "Metroid". Sadly, this kills all hope of there being any secret worlds in the game (I've known that ever since I created my Metroid level editor some time ago.) Check it out. Metroid map data explained
Posted by Pac-Man on November 15, 1998 at 17:06:06: It's possible to get to an area called Glitchfair. Use the Game Genie code EEXTTY-ALLGKP-KAPGEI, then go through the first door. After that, go into Kraid's Hideout, and jump through the ceiling after the elevator takes you there. Use the Space Jump to get to an elevator guarded by those three Sidehoppers and the bird thing, like Justin Bailey's Rooms Of Death. Go up the elevator, and when it stops, go down, and you'll be in a green wall Norfair-Welcome to Glitchfair! It's not the same map as Norfair, each way leads to a different hall of fun. Above the elevator there's a door that leads to a trap. (note added by nameless: this is an easier way to access the secret world found by charles dumarr)
Well, that just about takes us up to date. The GSWH is becoming quite large and it's all thanks to you, metroid fans. So keep the hunt alive and do your part. Find a secret world from ANY metroid game that isn't already here, and post it. Oh, and if you see that I've forgotten anything, be sure to tell me and I'll find a way to fit it in. The GSWH is still going strong and as long as there are secret world posts on the message board, I will be there to cut, paste, and copy 'em to the Great Secret World Hunt. Until next time. -- nameless out
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