¯|¯|¯| ¯| ¯| ¯|¯|¯| ¯|¯|¯| ¯|¯|¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯|¯|¯| ¯|¯| ¯|¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯| ¯|¯|¯| ¯|¯| ¯| ¯|¯|¯| ¯| ¯| _| _| _|_|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_| _|_|_|_| _|_|_| _| _|_|_|_| _|_| _|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_|_|_|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_| _| _|_|_| _| _|_|_|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_|_|_| _| _| _| _|_|_| _| _|_|_|_| /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ Super Metroid Complete FAQ/Walkthrough for Super Nintendo (SNES) Version 2.02 (Last updated 11/17/03) Written by Falcon Zero (falconwingzero@hotmail.com) for the Metroid Database Copyright (c) 2003 Falcon Zero. \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ -=> T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s <=- /==========================================================================\ | - - 1.0) Introduction - - - - - | | 1.1) Updates - - - - | | 1.2) The Story So Far... - - - | | 1.3) Take Control - - | | - - 2.0) Obstacles - - | | 2.1) Doors - - | | 2.2) Other Obstacles - - | | - - 3.0) Power-up Locations - - | | 3.1) Samus' Upgrades - - | | 3.2) Missile Locations - - | | 3.3) Super Missile Locations - - | | 3.4) Power Bomb Locations - - | | 3.5) Energy Tank Locations - - | | 3.6) Reserve Tank Locations - - | | - - 4.0) Bosses Guide - - | | - - 5.0) Walkthrough - - | | 5.1) Space Station Ceres - - | | 5.2) Planet Zebes - - | | 5.3) Intruder Alert - - | | 5.4) The Journey to Brinstar - - | | 5.5) Digging Deeper - - | | 5.6) Into the Fire - - | | 5.7) The Haunted Ship - - | | 5.8) Dive into the Deep Blue - - | | 5.9) A Journey to the Center of Zebes - - | | 5.10) The Final Confrontation - - | | 5.11) Finale - - | | - - 6.0) Secrets & Tips - - - | | - - 7.0) Reader Tips - - - - | | - - 8.0) Contacting the Author - - - - - | | - - 9.0) Credits - - - - - - | | - - 10.0) Legal Info - - - - - - - | \==========================================================================/ =====================================\ -(1.0 INTRODUCTION)- =====================================/ Super Metroid is a cross between a platform and role playing game made exclusively for the Super Nintendo (SNES). The game chronicles intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran's battles against the Space Pirates - a band of aliens bent on causing devastation and destruction on galactic civilization. .:---------------------(1.1 UPDATES)------------------------------------:. Version 2.02 11/17/03 - Thanks to Metroid Player I've fixed up a small part of the walkthrough where I skipped a room in Brinstar (the long green corridor before the giant orange shaft) in 5.5. Version 2.01 11/13/03 - Added some reader tips (see section 7.0), people can now submit any worthwhile tips they think can add to the game's strategies. Also gave the guide a new title banner :P. Version 2.00 01/30/03 - After playing through SM for about the hundreth time, I managed to find (with a lot of chance involved) a way to get both missiles no. 7 and 8 in Crateria (the room with the two missiles and the crumbling blocks leading down to them) without having to go back around for the second one. I've also briefly updated Phantoon's boss strategies. So here we have a revised version 2.0 (I doubt there'll be another version, unless I find out something else by chance). Version 1.00 01/17/03 - First version of this guide includes general information, locations of Samus' upgrade items, locations of all Missiles, Super Missiles, etc., boss guides, a complete walkthrough and several secrets and tips. This guide is pretty much complete, so you should have everything you need right here to beat the game successfully. .:---------------------(1.2 THE STORY SO FAR...)------------------------:. Samus Aran, the most famous and successful bounty hunter in the history of galactic civilization, has battled against the Metroids many times in the past. The Metroids, a parasitic life-form, had the ability of draining energy from any life-form, rendering their victims dead. Not long after the Galactic Federation discovered the Metroids on planet SR388, a group of evil beings known as the Space Pirates stole several Metroids and began to use them to attack civilization from their headquarter planet Zebes. Samus' adventure began when she landed on Zebes, intent on destroying the Space Pirates and eliminating their leader, the Mother Brain, to stop their evil plans concerning the Metroids. After battling her way through the planet, Samus found and defeated the Mother Brain, but not before facing several Metroids that nearly killed her. Not long after the first defeat of the Space Pirates, the Federation deemed the Metroids too dangerous to exist and sent a group of soldiers to SR388 to exterminate the Metroid population there. After contact was lost with the Federation team sent to the planet, Samus was sent there to finish their job. With difficulty, Samus proceeded deep into the planet's crust and eradicated the Metroids hidden throughout the planet, before facing and defeating the gigantic Metroid Queen. Just before leaving the planet, Samus came across a Metroid hatchling, which upon hatching began to follow Samus as though she were it's mother. Delivering the Metroid to the Ceres research station, Samus left to find a new adventure, but before long she received a distress signal from the station... .:---------------------(1.3 TAKE CONTROL)-------------------------------:. In this game you'll take control of Samus as she battles her way through Zebes to find and rescue the Metroid hatchling before the Space Pirates can use it as a weapon. You'll be facing deadly enemies and huge bosses, but hidden power-ups riddled throughout Zebes will help Samus on her path to victory. Samus' power suit can be enhanced once special upgrades are located, she can gain new energy beams, missiles, bombs, suits and a range of other special abilities. Below is a list of the default controls, which can be changed to suit your own style in the Controller settings menu. You direct Samus around with the Directional Pad, you can also aim her arm cannon in any of the eight main directions while moving. /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |X Button | Fire Samus' arm cannon. Once you find the Charge Beam upgrade, | | | you can hold down X to charge up a stronger shot. | | | | |A Button | Jump up. If you press left or right before jumping Samus will | | | perform a somersault in the air. Once you find the Space Jump | | | upgrade you can repeatedly press A with timing to continually | | | jump through the air. | | | | |B Button | Dash. This will initially make Samus run faster than normal, | | | and once you find the Speed Booster upgrade Samus will run | | | extremely fast once you hold down the B button long enough. | | | | |Y Button | Cancel current weapon/item. When you select to use a special | | | weapon/item (missile, super missile, etc.) press Y to return | | | back to Samus' arm cannon. | | | | |R Button | Angle up. This will cause Samus to point her arm cannon in a | | | diagonal upward position. (Press both L + R to point straight | | | up.) | | | | |L Button | Angle down. This will cause Samus to point her arm cannon in a | | | diagonal downward position. | | | | |Start | Bring up the map screen. While in the map screen, you can | | | press R to display Samus' power-ups. | | | | |Select | Select a different item/weapon, including missiles and power | | | bombs. | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ =====================================\ -(2.0 OBSTACLES)- =====================================/ Throughout the underground mazes of Zebes, you'll encounter a number of obstacles in the form of complicated terrain, but the main form of obstacles you'll encounter are a multitude of doors designed to keep Samus out of secure areas. Most doors can be opened by firing different types of projectiles at them. .:----------------------(2.1 DOORS)-------------------------------------:. Blue Doors - The most common type of doors found on Zebes, just shoot these with any beam weapon or missile to open it. Purple Doors - These can be broken open with five missiles or a single super missile. Green Doors - Fire a single super missile at these doors to open them. Yellow Doors - Detonate a single power bomb while in range of these doors to open them. Metal Doors - These indestructible doors can only be opened once they begin flashing. You'll have to defeat certain enemies nearby or complete a certain objective to cause the door to flash. Guard Doors - You'll encounter these doors just outside boss rooms. When you walk near them, an eye in the door will open and fire energy balls at Samus. Blast the eye with missiles or super missiles to destroy the door. Blue - To open these doors, shoot the blue panel with any beam Shutters weapon to open the shutter. Green - Shoot the green panel with a single super missile to open Shutters the shutter. .:---------------------(2.2 OTHER OBSTACLES)----------------------------:. Crumbling - When you step on these blocks, they'll break away and you'll Blocks fall below. Once you pass through the blocks, they'll reform and you won't be able to destroy them without stepping on them again. Hook Blocks - You can fire the Grappling Beam at these blocks to swing from them to reach higher platforms. Crumbling - You can grab onto these blocks with the Grappling Beam, but Hook Blocks they'll break after a few seconds, so you'll need to swing off from them quickly to avoid falling. Speed - These blocks will have an arrow pointing to the left on Booster them, the only way to break through them is to run or jump Blocks through them while the Speed Booster is active. Cracked - You can break through these blocks by firing at them with Blocks any weapon. Super - Break through the blocks with the super missile image on Missile them by firing a single super missile at them. Blocks Power Bomb - Blocks with an image of a power bomb on them can be Blocks destroyed by setting off a power bomb. =====================================\ -(3.0 POWER-UP LOCATIONS)- =====================================/ A large range of weapons and upgrades are hidden throughout Zebes waiting for Samus to find and use them. Listed below are all the power-ups in the game, what they do and where to find them. Most of the upgrades found in the game will be contained in small balls held by Chozo statues, break the ball open when you find one with any weapon to reveal the upgrade. Many upgrades will also be hidden within the terrain and obscured by walls, ceilings and floors, so you'll have to keep your eyes open to find them all. Keep in mind that on the Samus power-up screen (press Start then R) you can turn on or off any upgrade ability by pressing A while the ability is highlighted. .:---------------------(3.1 SAMUS' UPGRADES)----------------------------:. >>>Charge Beam -Description: The Charge Beam allows you to hold down the fire button to charge up a stronger beam attack. If you hold down the fire button and perform a somersault jump while the beam is charged, you'll perform a simple Screw Attack-type attack, any enemy that strikes Samus will take damage. -Area: Brinstar -Location: Once you reach the large pink room in Brinstar with the falling snowflakes in the background (the room where the top right door leads to Spore Spawn's room) go down to the very bottom left corner of the room (you'll also find a missile there) and bomb open the two small blocks side by side. Go down through the opening to find the Chozo statue holding the Charge Beam. >>>Spazer -Description: The Spazer Beam allows Samus to fire out three wide-angled beams which will cause much more damage to enemies than her standard beam. -Area: Brinstar -Location: In Brinstar, go to the room to the left of the underwater Maridia area (the room with the two claws that lash out and grab Samus). Go to the far left of the room and shoot the cracked block above. Jump up through the hole to the ledge above, if you have the Hi-Jump Boots you'll make the jump easily, otherwise just somersault off the wall on the left and jump up to reach the platform. Go through the narrow tunnel above to find a green door on the right. Blow the door open with a Super Missile to find the room with the Spazer upgrade. >>>Ice Beam -Description: This beam allows Samus to freeze smaller enemies to use them as stepping-stones. Once an enemy is frozen, a second shot will unfreeze or destroy them. -Area: Norfair -Location: From the entrance of Norfair, head through the first door on the left further down the shaft. Run past all the closing shutters with the Speed Booster until you reach the far left of the room. Head through the door there and cross the lava pits in the next room. The next room will have a large shaft leading up, head up to the top while avoiding the fire- breathing heads on the walls. On the way up you should spot a small opening on the right where a few small enemies come through, that's where you need to get to. Once at the top, bomb out the small platform in front of the door to drop down to the small opening in the wall. Activate the morphing ball, then drop down the hole and hold right to sneak into the opening. Head through the door on the right to find the Ice Beam. >>>Wave Beam -Description: The Wave Beam will enable Samus' energy beam shots to fly forward in a twirling cylindrical fashion, the beam can also penetrate any floors, walls or ceilings. -Area: Norfair -Location: You'll first need to have the Grappling Beam before you can find this. In Nofair, from the main elevator go through the first door on the right down below. Keep heading right through all the huge lava caverns and you'll reach a large room full of green terrain. On the right side of the room are two doors, you'll need to get through the lower one of the two, but you might have to go around below to reach it, or you can try to use the Grappling Beam to reach the opening above where the red creature that spits spines is. On the other side of the door is a shaft leading down full of the red bouncing balls and the enemies that jump up out of the ground. Two doors lead off on the right side of the shaft, go through the top one and you'll find yourself in another large chamber full of the floating platforms that lower down when you stand on them. Traverse the platforms to the right and you'll reach a shutter. Hit the blue switch to open the shutter and jump up to the ledge to find a missile waiting there. Keep going right and use the Grappling Beam to cross the chasm, then head through the door on the other side to claim the Wave Beam. >>>Plasma Beam -Description: The Plasma Beam is the strongest beam weapon available to Samus and can destroy most smaller enemies while causing heavy damage to larger ones. Keep in mind that when in use, the Plasma Beam can't be used together with the Spazer Beam. -Area: Maridia -Location: You'll only be able to reach the Plasma Beam once you've finished off Draygon (see the bosses section). Once you've dealt with him and claimed the Space Jump, go way back to the first large cavern room you found on the way from the main elevator (it's the huge room with the door leading down to the massive vertical pipe that takes you down to the lower levels of Maridia). Once back in that room, go to the very top right corner of the room and you should notice a door below on a platform that you can't reach if you just drop down from above (this door used to be the metal color when Draygon was still alive). Use the Space Jump to reach the door, head through and up the next shaft, you'll eventually reach a large room full of red Zebesians. Go to the bottom right corner to find the mother of all beams. >>>Grappling Beam -Description: The Grappling Beam is an electric chain used to swing Samus to previously unreachable areas. The beam can grab onto the small blocks with the crosses embedded in them, once attached Samus can swing back and forth before releasing the beam. The beam can also be used to open blue doors. -Area: Norfair -Location: After you defeat Crocomire in Norfair (The large red fire breathing creature that you've got to push into the lava to defeat), in the long room where you fight him, head through the door on the left and then go through the door in the ground of the next room. You'll then reach a long shaft leading down, drop down the shaft and go through the door at the base in the floor. You'll now be in an underground cavern littered with crumbling debris. Blast the small fireflies nearby and lay a power bomb to destroy all the rubble. Go over to the right corner of the room and dash to the left, you'll break through a wall with the Speed Booster and open up a massive cavern. As soon as you reach the edge of the cliff just after breaking through the wall, jump up, with your forward momentum and the Speed Booster's power, you'll perform a massive jump and fly through the cavern, once you land you'll reach a door high up in the top left corner of the cavern. Head through the door to find the Grappling Beam. >>>Varia Suit -Description: The Varia Suit greatly enhances Samus' Power Suit by providing her with extra protection that cuts 25% of the damage caused by enemies. The Varia can also protect Samus from extreme temperatures, specifically the melting-point temperatures found in the bowels of Norfair. -Area: Brinstar -Location: You'll need to defeat Kraid before finding the Varia Suit (refer to the bosses guide). Once you crush Kraid, go through the door on the right side of his room to find the Varia Suit. >>>Gravity Suit -Description: The Gravity Suit gives Samus maximum protection against enemy attacks, reducing damage inflicted to 50%. The suit also gives Samus free movement underwater, and protection against certain lava. -Area: Wrecked Ship -Location: You'll be able to find the Gravity Suit once you've done away with Phantoon (see the bosses section). Once he's gone and the power inside the ship comes back, head back out to the main shaft and go all the way to the top. Head though the door up there and destroy all the enemies in the next hallway. Once all the enemies are done with you can go through the doors on the left and right of the hallway. Go through the left door to emerge back outside in Crateria. Go all the way to the left side of the area, and use the X-Ray Scope to find a Super Missile block in the ground. Below this block you can find a missile, but further to the right you'll find (with the X-Ray Scope) blocks that you can bomb open. Go down and head right through the tunnel. Keep going right and you'll find yourself back inside the Wrecked Ship. Use the Grappling Beam to cross the sea of spikes below, eventually you'll reach a Chozo Statue standing up without holding anything in its hands. Jump on top of its hands and activate the Morphing Ball, the statue will come to life and walk down to a secret area below the spikes. From down here you can head right to find a Missile and a Reserve Tank, but if you go through the door on the left you'll discover the Gravity Suit. >>>Morphing Ball -Description: The Morphing Ball gives Samus the ability to morph into a small ball shape, while in this mode, Samus can roll through small openings and plant explosive bombs (once you find them). -Area: Brinstar -Location: Hands down the easiest power-up to find, when you first enter Brinstar at the beginning of the game, go left from the main elevator to find the Morphing Ball in plain sight behind a group of rocks. >>>Bomb -Description: The Bomb power-up allows Samus to plant bombs while in the Morphing Ball mode (press X to lay bombs). The bombs can blow open small rocks, damage enemies and can even propel Samus straight up while in Morphing Ball mode. -Area: Crateria -Location: Back near Samus' ship in Crateria, go into the cavern to the left of the ship. Near the three Skree (the green enemies that drop from the ceiling), you should see a small opening in the floor. Use the Morphing Ball to drop down to the shaft below, then head through the door at the base of the shaft. Go through the next corridor (blast the small enemies for energy and missile refills), then use five missiles to blow open the purple door at the far end. Make sure you've got at least ten missiles before you go into the room, head in and grab the bomb. Once you get the bomb the door leading out will seal and the Chozo Statue will come to life, refer to the bosses guide to put it down for good. >>>Hi-Jump Boots -Description: Simply put, the Hi-Jump Boots will increase Samus' jumping distance, allowing her to reach greater heights and leap further distances. -Area: Norfair -Location: From the main elevator in Norfair, drop right down to the bottom of the shaft to where two doors are facing each other. Head through the door on the left to find an Energy Tank straight ahead. Go through this room and drop down the narrow shaft to reach another door below. Go through and blast the upper part of the wall away in the next room to reach the Hi-Jump Boots. >>>Speed Booster -Description: The Speed Booster allows Samus to run incredibly fast while charging up energy in her suit (dash for a while to active it). While the Speed Booster is active, any enemies Samus runs through will be completely blown away, Samus can also break through the special blocks with the arrows printed on them. Refer to the Secrets & Tips section to learn more about the Speed Booster's special moves. -Area: Norfair -Location: In the large green room past all the lava caverns to the right of the main elevator, you'll need to reach the upper door on the right side of the room (if you don't have the Grappling Beam you'll have to head down below then around to the lower door). Once through the door, wait for the Skree to crash down into the lava, then blow open the roof section above to reveal a hidden shaft. Go up and through the right door. Run through the long sloping cavern while blasting any enemies along the way, once you reach the door on the far right of the hallway (fire up at the roof to reveal a Missile), go through to claim the Speed Booster. Once you get it you'll have to use it straight away to escape from the rising lava, go back into the long hallway and dash left to escape. >>>X-Ray Scope -Description: The X-Ray Scope allows Samus to scan any currently visible area to reveal any hidden passages or items. When in use, all other action on-screen will freeze, so you can safely scan rooms without enemies attacking. Select the X-Ray Scan, then press and hold B to use it and direct the field of view up and down with the Directional Pad. -Area: Brinstar -Location: You'll need the Grappling Beam to reach this. In Brinstar, about halfway up the long shaft leading down to Norfair (the one with orange walls and all the Rippers flying around) you should spot a yellow door on the left wall. Blow open the door with a Power Bomb and the wall in front of it so you can head in. Inside you'll find a darkened long hallway, filled with a sea of spikes. Try to only freeze the floating enemies with the glowing balls, if you destroy too many of them it'll become too dark to see. Eventually you'll need to use the Grappling Beam to cross yet more spikes, swing across and you'll reach a door on the far side of the hallway. In the next room, jump on top of the small ledge and lay a bomb to activate the pillar below. Once you rise up to the narrow tunnel above, go left and drop down to find the X-Ray Scope. >>>Space Jump -Description: The Space Jump allows Samus to perform a spinning mid-air somersault, but it differs from her normal jump as if timed correctly, you can repeatedly press the jump button to cause Samus to jump higher in the air while performing the move, this way she can effectively "fly" up high areas or fly over dangerous traps below. -Area: Maridia -Location: Located deep within Maridia, the only thing stopping you from reaching it is Draygon (see the bosses section). Once you finish off Draygon, head through the door on the left side of his chamber to find the Space Jump. >>>Spring Ball -Description: As its name suggests, the Spring Ball allows Samus to jump up while the Morphing Ball is active. -Area: Maridia -Location: You'll need the Space Jump before you can reach this power-up. In Maridia, go to the bottom of the huge vertical pipe that takes you between the upper and lower levels of Maridia. Once there, head right, go through the sand-filled tunnel until you reach a single-screen room with a crumbling Grappling Hook block in the ceiling. Grab onto the block and wait for it to disappear, once it's gone Space Jump up the large shaft leading up. Watch out for the small flying bugs at the top, then head right and drop down the next shaft. Fall down through the purple ledges until you reach a door, then head through. The next long hallway will have a unique creature in it, a two armed robot that will slowly move around the room using its arms. Quickly lay a Power Bomb to break open the purple wall ahead, the robot will then be able to break through the sand-filled tunnel with its arms. Wait for the robot to clear a path, then head through the door at the end of the hallway. Phew, nearly there. In the next room, drop down the small hole in the ground and roll down the left passage below. Drop down to the bottom of the screen and go right to find the Spring Ball. >>>Screw Attack -Description: The Screw Attack, when used in conjunction with the Space Jump, causes Samus to charge up deadly energy as she somersaults through the air. She can break certain blocks with this attack, and can destroy any enemy that touches her. -Area: Norfair (Ridley's Area) -Location: Not long after exploring Ridley's Area for a bit, you'll come across the second Chozo Statue that attacks you. Once you take it apart go through the door on the right side of the heat-filled room to find the Screw Attack. .:---------------------(3.2 MISSILE LOCATIONS)--------------------------:. --Crateria-- 1. Head down the long shaft that contains the door leading to the only save room found here in Crateria. Drop a little further down past the save room door and go through the next door down on the left. Bomb through the small tunnels in the next hallway and go left to find this missile. 2. You'll spot this missile on your way to the large open area leading to the Wrecked Ship. In the room just before the large open area you'll see the missile atop a thin pillar above the water. You'll need the Grappling Beam to swing over to reach it. 3. You'll find this missile in the "Old Tourian" area directly below the chamber where the Mother Brain was in the original Metroid (If you can't remember where that is, it's at the bottom of the huge shaft full of the wall-hugging Zebesians, and through the door on the right). Use standard bombs to break open a tunnel leading down to find the missile. 4. This missile will be a bit tricky to reach, you'll have two different methods of grabbing it successfully. At the very top of the large open area leading to the Wrecked Ship (to get there you'll need to work through the Wrecked Ship and leave via the top left exit), you'll find the missile hidden in a small section of a rocky overhang right at the top of the area. One of the small green platforms will be hovering left and right, you can follow it to the door leading into the Wrecked Ship (so that you can get on board), or you can use the Speed Booster trick to jump up to the overhang. If you ride along on the platform, as soon as it reaches the rocky area, freeze it, then shoot the wall to reveal the missile and become the morphing ball so you can get to it. If you want to save time, go over to the far left of the area past all the mid-air platforms. Run back to the right until the Speed Booster activates, then crouch and quickly jump over to the nearest platform on the left, stand on the rightmost edge and jump straight up. You should fly up and hit the roof right next to the rocky overhang, quickly fire at the wall to reveal the missile and press left against the wall to grab it before you fall. 5. At the top of the open area leading to the Wrecked Ship, go all the way to the left side of the screen and use the X-Ray Scope to find a hidden Super Missile block. Blow it open and go down into the narrow tunnels below to find this missile. 6. Once again in the large open area before the Wrecked Ship (lots of missiles here), go to the very bottom left underwater corner. You'll need the Gravity Suit to reach this one, you can also use the X-Ray Scope to see where the opening in the wall is. Blow open the small entrance and head through to find the missile. 7. Go back to the open area where your ship is, then go over to the door on the left side of the area and run back to activate the Speed Booster. Just when you reach your ship, press down and quickly walk over to the high mound just to the left of the ship. Angle up (R) and press A to Shinespark up to the wall on the left. You'll break through a hidden tunnel in the wall, blow open the rest of the wall and go through the door on the left. Go through the next hallway while blowing away the rock overhangs with Power Bombs or the Screw Attack. You'll eventually find an Energy Tank along the way, grab it and keep going to the left. Eventually you'll reach a room with purple blocks that seems to be a dead-end. Shoot the blocks ahead of you to open a path, then use the X-Ray Scope to see the crumbling blocks in the floor. You'll see four crumbling blocks in a row leading down, to get both missiles below so that you don't have to waste time coming around a second time, jump over to the center of the middle blocks, and Samus will begin faling down the shaft while breaking all the blocks. If you're confused at this point, don't worry, you'll see what I mean once you try it out. Once you spot the missiles below, shoot out both walls on the left and right to reach both of them. 8. This missile's found just to the right of the one mentioned above (on the same screen). --Brinstar-- 1. This should be the first missile that you find in the game. Just after you find the Morphing Ball in Brinstar, go to the right side of the hallway and head through the door. In the next room shoot out the blocks in the center to drop down to the bottom of shaft. Head through the door on the left to find the missile. 2. Just after you find the previous missile, go back up the shaft and head through the door on the right. Go all the way to end of the hallway to find this missile waiting there. 3. When you go down the main elevator into the green area of Brinstar, go through the first door down the shaft on the right, then bomb through the green wall ahead to find this missile sitting on the ground. 4. In the huge purple cavern filled with the falling snowflakes in the background (near Spore Spawn's room) go to the area where the roof is lined with Grappling Beam blocks. You can use the Grappling Beam to reach the missile on the left, but you can use the Wall Jump trick (see Secret & Tips) to reach it easily. 5. In the bottom left corner of the same room containing the missile mentioned previously, you'll find a missile sitting in plain view. 6. In the green corridor leading down to the orange shaft, you should notice a lot of green pipes that spit out small flying enemies. As you go right in this corridor, keep an eye out for a single pipe up in the corner of one of the overhanging regions. You'll notice that no enemies come out of this one, so use the Hi-Jump Boots or the Wall Jump trick to get up to the pipe, then go through the hidden tunnel to find this missile. 7. In the same room as the missile no. 3 mentioned above, use the Speed Booster to dash past all the closing shutters to reach the far end of the corridor. Head through the door there to find a Reserve Tank, but you can also roll through a hidden tunnel under the statue to find this missile in a hidden room. 8. Just behind the previous missile, blow open the wall there to find yet another missile. 9. For this missile you'll need the Gravity Suit and the Screw Attack. Go back to where you found missile no. 2 in Brinstar, then bomb open the large rocky overhang with a Power Bomb. You can then reach a hidden shaft leading straight up within the overhang. Use the Shinespark move or the Screw Attack to reach the top of the shaft, then head through the door there. The lower part of the next room will be filled with water, use the X-Ray Scope to reveal a hidden platform above. Jump up and cross over the platform, but watch out for the falling boulders. Go into the room at the far end to find this missile. 10. You'll find this missile hidden behind the bottom left brick on the small 5 brick platform just under the previous missile. 11. In the same room as Power Bomb no. 1 in Brinstar, use a Power Bomb to blow open the wall behind the statue to find this missile in a hidden room. 12. In the long corridor near Kraid's room (the one with the thick spiky branches in the roof and the flying Keyhunters), go to the right end of the corridor where the hidden tunnel leads to the Save room. Use a Power Bomb to reveal the missile, then crawl through the narrow tunnel to reach it. --Norfair-- 1. Just after you get the Hi-Jump Boots (see 3.1) leave the room and jump up to the top of the large cavern to find this missile waiting for you there. 2. In the large green room to the far right of the main elevator past all the fiery caverns, go over past the platform that you can blow open to reach the lower part of the room, then over to the right corner and drop through the floor, shoot out the platforms below and drop down to find this missile past a bed of spikes. 3. Just outside the room containing the Speed Booster (see 3.1) shoot up at the roof above the door to reveal a hidden missile there. 4. Once again in the large green room to the right of the main elevator, use the Grappling Beam to reach the door in the upper left corner. Go through to find this missile sitting on a pillar. 5. In the hidden lava-filled room past the previous missile (the room containing a Reserve Tank) shoot the leftmost green block above the lava to reveal this missile. 6. From the main elevator, go through the left door down below and use the Speed Booster to run past the closing shutters. Once you reach the door, blow open the blocks below with a Power Bomb, drop down and go left. When you reach the next door, go through slowly so that you don't fall of the ledge in the next shaft. Fire at the wall opposite the door and you'll reveal the hidden missile. Try to jump over to it cross the crumbling platforms, but if you're having too much trouble, come back once you have the Space Jump to reach it easily. 7. Down the long shaft leading to the Grappling Beam (see 3.1) a single door on the right near the bottom leads to a corridor with a missile contained at the far end. 8. From Crocomire's corridor, go back up through the door in the ceiling, then head up to the top of the shaft. Go through the door up there to find a large fiery cavern. Go up to the top and you'll see Grappling Hook blocks lining the roof. Swing over to the ledge on the left side to find this missile. 9. On the way to finding the Wave Beam (see 3.1) you'll find this missile in the room before the Wave Beam just after the blue shutter door. 10. This missile's well hidden within the second fiery cavern to the right of the main elevator. In the third "pit" area in the cavern, head down to the bottom where the lower part of the room is filled with lava. Shoot down into the bottom right corner wall under the lava to reveal a missile. If you don't have the Gravity Suit you'll take damage when under the lava, so make it quick. 11. In the gigantic room just before the Grappling Beam (see 3.1), once at the top you'll notice a lot of Ripper flying around. You can use them to grab onto with the Grappling Beam to swing over to the missile on the right, but you can use the Shinespark move much easier. Go down to the bottom area of the room where all the rock rubble was lying, and make sure the area's clear so you can run enough to activate the Speed Booster. Go over to the right corner then run over to the cliff edge, as soon as you reach the edge crouch down, then quickly jump into the lava, go a short distance into the lava then jump straight up. You should fly up near the ledge, when Samus drops hold right to land on the ledge where the missile's waiting. The following missiles are in Ridley's Area 12. In the room where you face the second Chozo Statue, when you enter the room you'll spot this missile dead ahead. Space Jump over the crumbling platform below to reach it. 13. After defeating the Chozo Statue, you'll eventually reach a long shaft leading up that'll be full of the yellow Zebesians and the heads in the walls that spit blue fire. Once you reach the top of the shaft, shoot the roof to reveal a hidden passage further up. Go up and head through the door there, then drop down the left side of the next shaft to find a small opening in the left wall. Head through to find the missile in a hidden room. 14. Go to the room that you entered after traversing through the gargantuan room that slowly filled with lava. Head through the right door and you'll find yourself in a darkened room where the terrain just ahead is shaped like a dragon's head with a green block as its eye. Go up the shaft while avoiding the large boulders and the blue flame spitters, once you reach the very top walk through the wall on the left to find a hidden tunnel. Go through the door there, once in the next room head left then up the shaft. From there, go right to find this missile atop a platform. 15. From the previously mentioned missile, go back to the left side of the room and head through the door there. You'll now be in a room with rising and lowering lava, head through until you reach a shaft leading up. While on the platform up against the wall at the base of the shaft, use a Power Bomb to reveal an opening within the platform, go through the narrow tunnel to find this missile. --Wrecked Ship-- 1. When you first enter the Wrecked Ship, go down the main shaft, drop down below the first door you see in the right wall, then at the next platform below up against the left wall, bomb open a hidden tunnel and head through to find a long corridor with motionless spikes. You can climb over the spikes without taking damage (the ship's power is still off), go to the end of the corridor to find this missile. 2. Once you've done away with Phantoon and the power is restored, go up to the very top of the main shaft. Head through the door in the roof, then destroy all the enemies in the next long corridor to open up the doors leading left and right. Go through the right door, Knock all the walking robots into the spike holes and go to the end of the corridor to discover this missile. 3. Once you find the Gravity Suit (3.1), go right into the room where the statue above took you down to, then bomb open the floor below the door and head through the hidden tunnel. Make your way into the next corridor on the right, knock the robots into the spike holes and you'll easily spot this missile just ahead. --Maridia-- 1. This first missile will probably be the toughest to get in the game, as it requires quick movement and skill with the Shinespark moves. From the very bottom of Maridia, the area that connects it with Brinstar (where the underwater pipe that you blew open was) go up into the large underwater shaft. High up in this room is the missile that you'll need to break through rock to reach it, so go through the door on the right at the base of the shaft. In this corridor, open up the shutter with a Super Missile and clear the room of any enemies. Go over to the far right of the room just below the door there, then run back to the left. Once you reach the door press down so that Samus begins flashing. Quickly rush back into the large shaft, drop down to the lower ground level with the door in the floor, blast the enemy straight ahead, you'll notice that there's two small plants on the ground that you can walk behind (they're in the foreground). Quickly walk behind the left one then jump straight up, with practice you should be able to reach the missile, as when aimed carefully, Samus will streak past all the mid-air platforms and land right on target - straight into the missile. 2. In the giant room where the long vertical pipe passes through connecting the upper and lower levels of Maridia, go down to the long platform at the bottom of the room. Go to the left side where the door is leading to the Save room, then dash to the right. Once you reach the other side, crouch down, then Shinespark up the first gap in the roof from the right wall. As soon as you hit the roof you'll spot the missile straight ahead (you can also reach a Super Missile a little further on). 3. In the room past the two massive rooms filled with sand on the way to Draygon's room, normally you'd fall down below the spikes to find the entrance to Draygon's room, while at the top of the shaft jump over to the right side of the room. More spikes will line the floor here, but they're fake - you can walk straight through them. Go over to the wall and shoot the middle section to reveal this missile. 4. After leaving the giant room with all the Grappling Hook blocks in the ceiling (and those floating puffer fish enemies that you can grab onto) you'll end up in a long shaft leading up and down. Go up to the top and head through the door in the roof. In this next room, go over to the wall on the right and walk straight through it to find this missile. 5. In the same room as the previous missile, go through the door in the left wall. Keep going left until you reach a wall, then jump through it and keep going through a secret tunnel. Head through the next door at the top of the small shaft and drop down into the shaft at the end of the room. Blast the enemy at the bottom and drop through a hidden hole in the center to find a hidden room containing both a missile and a Super Missile. 6. In the giant room containing the vertical pipe connecting the upper and lower levels of Maridia, go to the bottom right-hand corner and bomb open part of the floor. Go down below and sink into the first sandpit on the left. Keep going down through the sand-filled room and you'll reach a large underground chamber. Sitting in the top left corner of the room is this missile. 7. Similar to the previous missile, in the room with the long vertical pipe, go back down to where the sandpit was, cross over it and sink into the one on the far left of the room. You'll end up in another underground chamber, where the missile is waiting in the top-left part of the room with a Reserve Tank. You'll need the Space Jump and Spring Ball to reach this though. 8. In the giant shaft where missile no. 1 was, from the bottom of the shaft head through the second door up on the right wall. You'll be in another underwater chamber, Space Jump or Wall Jump up the large wall ahead and drop down into the next pit. Drop down to where the red Zebesian is at the very bottom, then jump through the wall on the right to find a hidden passage. Go through the door you find to discover a massive chamber where some interesting turtle-like creatures live. Shoot the large one to wake it up then jump on top of it and it'll jump up, taking you up to the higher part of the room. If you jump up from here you'll spot an Energy Tank sitting above a Grappling Hook block, but if you've got the Space Jump it'll be easy to reach. The missile will be hidden in the wall on the right, about halfway up. If you have the Space Jump, just fly up into the corner and shoot down the wall to reveal the missile, otherwise use the turtle to bring you up the side of the wall so you can reach it. .:---------------------(3.3 SUPER MISSILE LOCATIONS)--------------------:. --Crateria-- 1. This missile will be well hidden near the "Old Tourian" Area. You'll need the Ice Beam, Grappling Beam and Speed Booster to reach it (the Wave Beam also helps). In the massive shaft leading down to Brinstar (the one with all the Zebesians on the walls), go down to the very bottom of the shaft, the jump up to the first small platform that you'll find up against the wall on the right. Bomb open a hidden tunnel, then use a Power Bomb to open the door you'll find. Go right in the next corridor, and use the Ice Beam to freeze the four yellow slime balls along the floor (if you have the Wave Beam it'll be much easier to freeze them all). You'll have to make sure that none of them jump up when you freeze them, they have to be all level with the floor. Go back to the door on the left end of the corridor, then run back to the right. Once the Speed Booster kicks in, run to the end of the corridor and press down. Shinespark up the massive shaft leading up, and you'll find this Super Missile waiting at the top. --Brinstar-- 1. Just after you've done away with Spore Spawn (see bosses guide), jump up on top of its lifeless form and head up the shaft above it. Go through the door at the top, head to the end of the corridor and drop down a huge shaft at the end to find this Super Missile waiting at the bottom. 2. From the main elevator in the green thorny area, go through the first door down on the right. Use the Speed Booster to run past all the closing shutters, then once you reach the end of the corridor, blast open a hole in the roof, jump up to find a hidden corridor above. Go to the left side of the room to find this Super Missile. 3. Once again from the main elevator in the green area, go down to the very bottom of the shaft and blow open the floor with a Power Bomb. Drop through to find another shaft leading down. Drop down to the bottom and head through the door there. Go through the door in the next room to find a narrow corridor lined with gray bricks. Go to the far left side, but be careful as a hidden hole lies just ahead. Use the X-Ray Scope to see it, or fire your weapon down at the floor, if the beam doesn't impact on the ground then its gone through the hole. Jump over the hole to grab an Energy Tank, then blow open the door behind it to find this Super Missile. --Norfair-- 1. Just after you've crushed the Chozo Statue in Ridley's Area, go through the door on the right of the room to find the Screw Attack. Go back into the Chozo Statue's room, then Space Jump up to the top right-hand corner of the room. Break through the bricks there with the Screw Attack, you'll find the Super Missile hiding in the left wall of the enclosure. --Wrecked Ship-- 1. Once you've beaten Phantoon and the power's been restored, go through the first door on the left side of the main shaft from the bottom to find this Super Missile. 2. Directly opposite the door of the room containing the previous Super Missile, bomb open a hidden tunnel in the base of the wall there and go through the door you'll find. Go through the next corridor filled with spikes and the walking robots, once you reach the dead-end, use a Power Bomb to reveal four small openings in the wall. Crawl through the second one up from the ground to find a hidden room containing the Super Missile. --Maridia-- 1. In the massive underwater shaft containing missile no. 1, you should notice a Super Missile contained within a small cave. Go up to the very top of the shaft and head through the door there to find the huge room with the Grappling Hook blocks in the ceiling and the floating puffer fish that you can grab onto. Go down to the edge of the first cliff below on the right, blast the enemy crawling on the walls, then active the Morphing Ball, drop down the side of the cliff and hold left until you enter a hidden passage. Keep going and you'll enter the underwater shaft again, go left to find the Super Missile. 2. Just after finding missile no. 2 in the giant room containing the long vertical pipe, go right to see this Super Missile in the corner of the room. Just make sure you jump over the small section of crumbling blocks in front of it otherwise you'll fall below and have to make your way back up again. 3. You'll find this Super Missile in plain view in the same room as missile no. 5. .:---------------------(3.4 POWER BOMB LOCATIONS)-----------------------:. --Crateria-- 1. Go back to your ship, then run over to the left corner of the open area. Run back towards your ship to activate the Speed Booster, then crouch and quickly walk over to the mound on the left of Samus' ship. Angle up and then jump, you'll Shinespark up to the top right corner of the area where a door awaits. Blow the door open with a Power Bomb, then go to the end of the corridor beyond to find the Power Bomb. --Brinstar-- 1. Head to the huge orange shaft that contains all the Ripper flying around, then go up to the very top and head through the door there. Go right through the thorn-infested corridor, once you reach the next shaft leading up, shoot open the floor at the base to reveal a hidden passage below. Drop down to the very bottom of the shaft, head through the door and go to the end of the corridor to find the Power Bomb (don't forget to bomb open the wall behind it for a missile). 2. From the previous Power Bomb's room, go back to the large shaft and head up to the top. You'll find an elevator there leading up to Crateria, go through the first door on the left wall below it. In the next corridor, you'll find a number of huge Sidehoppers, finish them off so that your exit will flash. Go over to the far left of the corridor and use a Power Bomb to blow open the platform you're standing on. Once it's gone, drop down into the orange/brown spike trap near the wall and you'll fall straight through it into a hidden room containing the Power Bomb. 3. From the massive purple shaft containing all the snowflakes falling in the background (near Spore Spawn's room), go to the very bottom and head through the door on the right. In the next green corridor, use the Hi-Jump Boots or the Space Jump to reach the upper cliff straight ahead. Go through the door to find a load of huge Sidehoppers. Go over to the right wall and bomb your way through the base of the wall to find the Power Bomb. 4. From the main elevator in the huge green thorny shaft, go to the very bottom and blow open the floor with a Power Bomb. Go down to the bottom of the hidden shaft and head through the door there. Once you reach the corridor with the hidden hole, jump over to find an Energy Tank and a Super Missile, once your ready drop down into the hole and go right. Keep going through the spiked-lined corridor until you reach the end, then head through the door. You'll then discover another of the game's many secrets, you'll end up at the base of a tall shaft with three Etecoons waiting for you. They'll then begin to use the Wall Jump trick to climb the shaft, so just follow them up. Once you reach the top, You should spot a small opening in the right wall. If you have the Spring Jump use that to get through, or you can jump over to the wall and quickly activate the Morphing Ball, then hold right to enter the tunnel. Go through to find the Power Bomb. 5. Just after missile no. 4's location past the Grappling Hook blocks in the huge purple shaft, use a Power Bomb to break open the wall below it, then go through the left wall to pass through a hidden door. Blast the huge Sidehoppers in the next room, then use a Super Missile to break through a hidden block in the floor on the left side. Drop through to find the Power Bomb. --Norfair-- 1. Once you've beaten Crocomire and found the Grappling Beam, go to the large room to the left of Crocomire's corridor. Use the Ripper at the top to swing over to the door in the top left corner of the room, then head through to find the Power Bomb. 2. When you enter the large corridor in Ridley's area that's filled with the large blue and red Sidehopper-type enemies, you should also notice a lot of large statues around. Go to the far left side of the corridor and use a Power Bomb to reveal a hidden tunnel at the base of the wall (you'll also blow open the passage leading down to Ridley's room). Go through to find the Power Bomb. 3. Go to where you found missile no. 14 in Ridley's Area, then bomb open the top corner of the wall behind it to reveal a hidden passage. Use the Spring Ball to jump up into the hole, then hold down A and right, so that you'll make it through the complicated room without falling through any crumbling blocks. Once you reach the end, go through the door in the floor to find the Power Bomb. --Maridia-- 1. In the same underground cavern as missile no. 6 (you reached it by dropping through a sandpit in the huge room with the vertical pipe), you'll find the Power Bomb on the right side of the room. The Space Jump and Spring Ball will help you reach it easily. .:---------------------(3.5 ENERGY TANK LOCATIONS)----------------------:. --Crateria-- 1. From Samus' ship, go through the door on the far left, then head through to the left side of the corridor. Bomb open the wall there, head through the door and run down to the bottom of the sloping hallway to find the Energy Tank. 2. You'll need the Speed Booster to reach this one. From Samus' ship, run over to the door on the far left then run back to activate the Speed Booster. Crouch when it kicks in, then quickly go over to the mound on the left of the ship. Face left, angle up and jump, you'll Shinespark right up the wall and blow open a hidden tunnel. Go through the door behind the wall and head through the corridor, blow out the rocky overhangs in there but watch out for the lava. Once you reach the end go through the door to find this Energy Tank straight ahead. --Brinstar-- 1. Once you've done away with Kraid, from the elevator leading down to Norfair, go through the wall on the right of the room and go through the door past the massive statue in the next room. Drop down the shaft and you'll find a flashing door that was gray before you faced Kraid. Go in, whack the small energy-sucking enemies, then shoot open a roof section four blocks along from the left wall in the room to find the Energy Tank. 2. From the main elevator in the green thorny shaft, go to the very bottom and blow open the floor with a Power Bomb. Drop down to the bottom of the next shaft and head through the door. Once you reach the corridor lined with gray bricks, the Energy Tank will be sitting on the left side, just be careful of the hidden hole right in front of it. 3. In the same corridor missile no. 2, shoot out a hidden section in the roof to the left of the blue rocky overhang to find the Energy Tank, but you'll need the Hi-Jump Boots to reach it. 4. In the huge purple shaft with the falling snowflakes in the background, you should find a yellow door on the right wall. Blow it open with a Power Bomb and head through. In the next room, whack all the Sidehoppers, then Wall Jump up the wall or use the Grappling Hook block to reach the top. You'll need the Wave Beam to open the shutter at the top, once it's open, go through and drop down. Head through the door to find the Energy Tank. 5. You'll need the Gravity Suit to reach this one. In the same room as the Charge Beam (see 3.1) blow open a hidden tunnel in the floor with a Power Bomb and head through. Drop down the shaft and go through the door at the base to find a room with the lower part filled with water. Go left and blast any enemies along the floor, then go back to the right and run to the left. Once the Speed Booster kicks in you'll blast through a few walls to find this Energy Tank in a hidden room. --Norfair-- 1. When you enter Norfair for the first time, drop down to the bottom of the shaft containing the main elevator and head through the door on the left to find the Energy Tank in plain sight. 2. Once you've finished Crocomire and found the Grappling Beam, go back to the long corridor where you fought Crocomire and go to the far right. You'll notice that the roof there is lined with Grappling Hook blocks, swing across to the far right end to find the Energy Tank. 3. Just after you've left the giant room that fills with lava in Ridley's area, go right to find yourself in a darkened shaft where the terrain ahead is shaped like a dragon's head. Freeze the head that fires blue fire in the wall straight ahead then destroy it with a Power Bomb. Walk through the wall where the head was to find a hidden shaft leading down. Go down to find an area filled with spikes and the floating enemies with the glowing balls. Go down to the bottom right corner of the room to find the Energy Tank. 4. Right after crushing Ridley, go through the door on the left side of his room to find the shattered capsule that once contained the Metroid hatchling. Shoot open the wall just below the door to reveal the Energy Tank. --Wrecked Ship-- 1. In the shaft on the right of the ship where the door is leading to the right area of Crateria (that leads down to Maridia), shoot open the roof at the top to find a hidden passage. Go through the door at the top to find a large room filled with water. Use the floating platforms and the Grappling Beam to reach the Energy Tank on the far left of the room. --Maridia-- 1. Just after you beat the water Serpent, go through the door on the right side of the room to enter a long corridor where part of the floor is filled with sand. Run to the right of the corridor, along the way you'll spot the Energy Tank hidden within the purple blocks above. Go to the far right of the purple blocks and jump up there to find a way in. Use the X-Ray Scope to reveal the hidden passages, just be careful as right before the Energy Tank a hole leads down into the sand. 2. In the large hidden room containing the turtles and missile no. 8, use the large turtle or the Space Jump to reach the Energy Tank perched high up on a Grappling Hook block at the top of the cavern. .:---------------------(3.6 RESERVE TANK LOCATIONS)---------------------:. --Brinstar-- 1. From the main elevator leading into the green area of Brinstar, head through the first door down the shaft on the right. Jump up to the upper platform and use the Speed Booster to run past all the closing shutters. Head through the door on the right to find this Reserve Tank (there's also two missiles hidden in this room). --Norfair-- 1. In the large green room to the far right of the main elevator past all the fiery caverns, use the Grappling Beam to hook onto the blocks at the top of the room, then swing over to the door on the left. Blow through the door with a Super Missile, head in and grab the missile on the pillar. Before you go, jump over to the wall on the left and fire straight down to reveal a hidden pillar that'll begin to rise up. Once it stops bomb open the wall on the left and head through the hidden tunnel to find another door. Go through and traverse the lava-filled room. Once you reach the end of the corridor you'll spot the Reserve Tank sitting atop a ledge. --Wrecked Ship-- 1. Once you find the Gravity Suit (see 3.1) go back into the large room where the statue above brought you down to. Blow open the floor below the door and go right through the hidden tunnel. You'll eventually find another hallway leading off right, head through and knock all the walking robots into the spiked holes. You'll see a missile just ahead, grab it and lay a Power Bomb. The blast will destroy the statue and open up another hallway, once it's open run back to the left side of the hallway. Run back to the right, then once the Speed Booster kicks in crouch and quickly walk over to the end of the hallway past the conveyer belt. Jump up and you'll soar up into a new room. go left and drop down through the floor, you should now spot the Reserve Tank dead ahead. Be careful here, use the X-Ray Scope to find the hole in the ground, then jump over it to reach the tank. Drop down the hole once you've got it to get back to the lower hallway. --Maridia-- 1. In the giant room with the huge vertical pipe that takes you between the upper and lower levels of Maridia, go to the bottom right-hand corner of the room and bomb open a hole in the floor to reach the sandpits below. Cross over the first pit and sink into the one on the far left. Drop down below the sand-filled room into a larger cavern. You'll find the Reserve Tank along with a missile at the top of the room on the left, but it'll be handy to have the Spring Ball and Space Jump to reach it easily. =====================================\ -(4.0 BOSSES GUIDE)- =====================================/ Within the depths of Zebes you'll face mighty Space Pirate bosses before you can find the hatchling and confront the restored Mother Brain. Hidden within Crateria is the entrance to the Mother Brain's hideout, Tourian, but a huge statue guards the entrance and will only open once the four bosses represented on the statue are defeated. Read on below for the list of bosses and tactics to use against them. -->Ridley -Location: Space Colony Ceres -Attacks: Fire blast projectiles, Tail lash, Charge attack -Weakness: Beam Weapon -Description: You'll find Ridley hiding away at the rear of Ceres. You'll see the hatchling sitting on the floor just before Ridley appears holding it. He'll begin to fly around the screen performing one of several attacks, including firing out fire balls that spread out once they hit the wall or floor, he'll also fly about lashing his tail around, try to stay clear as he flies about. Whenever he spits out the fireballs, jump up above them and stay clear of the ground or wall when they strike, as the fire will spread out. The battle can end in one of two ways, if you shoot Ridley enough so that he becomes a heavy red color, he'll fly up above the screen, he'll then swoop down and fly into the screen with the hatchling. If you take too much damage and your health goes below 29, he'll automatically leave. Once Ridley escapes you'll have only 1 minute to escape from Ceres before it completely explodes. -->Chozo Statue -Location: Crateria -Attacks: Arm lash, Sonic beam, Spore bombs -Weakness: Beam Weapon, Missiles -Description: As you grab the Bomb power-up and try to leave the room, the only exit will seal and you won't be able to open it. The statue holding the Bomb power-up will come to life and attack. It'll march back and forth across the room, try to jump over it as it passes. If it stops in a corner it'll either fire out large sonic beams or it'll spit out small bombs that spread across the room. You can easily destroy the bombs with a few shots, but for a quick victory go with using Missiles against the statue. Blast away at it whenever you can, but don't fire at it when it turns around, as your shots will go straight past without striking the target. Hold out for as long as you can, once the statue's head begins to fall apart victory will be just around the corner. Once it blows the door will flash so you can leave. -->Spore Spawn -Location: Brinstar -Attacks: Swing motion, Mini spores -Weakness: Beam Weapon, Missiles -Description: The Spore Spawn will only swing around the room in an effort to crush Samus against a wall or floor, so make sure you don't let it make contact. The huge main part is connected to the background, so it won't be able to move around freely. Crouching down will easily allow you to avoid hitting it, but mini-spores will be floating down from pods in the roof, so you'll have to shoot at them to gain energy and missile refills. After Spore Spawn has a few swinging rounds around the room, it'll open up and reveal the inner core. Now you'll have a shot at its weak point. Fire a missile (or two if you're quick) into the core to damage it. Once Spore closes up again it'll begin swinging around the room again, wait for it to open before unloading more missiles into the core. After a few direct hits, Spore will begin to swing around faster than normal, but it shouldn't give you much trouble. Watch the color of Spore, the darker it becomes, the closer you are to victory. After enough hits Spore Spawn will move to the center of the screen and turn to stone, you can then move on up the shaft above the room. -->Kraid Spawn -Location: Brinstar -Attacks: Needle projectiles -Weakness: Beam Weapon, Missiles, Super Missiles -Description: This tiny form of Kraid will confront you just before you face the real Kraid. It won't be much trouble to deal with, it'll only be firing out spike projectiles and small fireballs, just pound it with Missiles to finish it off, and don't forget to grab all the refills it drops. -->Kraid -Location: Brinstar -Attacks: Thorn projectiles, Fireballs -Weakness: Charge Beam, Missiles, Super Missiles -Description: The real Kraid is the direct opposite of the tiny form. It'll be so big that you'll only see the top part of it first off. Once Kraid rises up out from the spikes, he'll begin firing thorn projectiles around. If he opens his mouth he'll shoot out fireballs, but the more he opens his mouth, the better. Whenever Kraid opens his mouth, unload as many Missiles or Super Missiles into his mouth as you can. Try to avoid his arm, as it'll be moving up and down, sometimes it'll be hard to avoid hitting it with a Missile. If you manage to hit Kraid with a Super Missile or a number of Missiles, he'll completely rise up out of the ground and fill about half of the room. Jump up to the platforms above and keep attacking his mouth. The trouble is, loads of thorn projectiles will fly out from his chest and stomach, other thorns will also be bouncing around the room, so you'll have a tough job dodging them all. If Kraid doesn't open his mouth, fire a single Missile at his mouth and he'll open it partly, he should then open it fully after a second. Keep pounding Kraid and you'll smash him into the ground in no time. -->Crocomire -Location: Norfair -Attacks: Charge attack, Plasma Balls -Weakness: Charge Beam, Missile, Super Missiles -Description: When you drop into Crocomire's fiery corridor head right to find him. This large red eight-eyed beast can't be defeated by any of your weapons, you'll need to push him into the lava below to finish him off. On the far left of the corridor the wall will be lined with spikes, so you'll have to make sure that Crocomire doesn't push you into them. Before taking him on it's a good idea to have at least 15 Super Missiles ready. If Crocomire stomps the ground with his legs and arms, he'll either charge forward or fire out a multitude of flame balls from his mouth. Just like Kraid, Crocomire's weak point is his mouth. Every time he opens up, fire a Super Missile down his throat to cause him to step back a fair distance (if you hit him with Missiles he won't back up as far). Try not to waste any Super Missiles, if you run out of Missiles entirely keep pounding him with the Charge Beam. After a while you'll see the cliff edge behind Crocomire, push him onto the weakened floor and he'll fall into the lava. You'll then witness a gruesome scene where Crocomire tries to jump back up but ends up melting in the lava. When he sinks down and the music changes, go back left all the way to the wall lined with spikes, the boss theme will play again, the wall will break down and Crocomire's skeleton will jump up out of the lava and break apart all over the floor. -->Phantoon -Location: Wrecked Ship -Attacks: Blue plasma projectile attacks -Weakness: Super Missiles -Description: After exploring the derelict Wrecked Ship, you'll find Phantoon skulking around one of the lower rooms. He'll warp in before floating around the screen. He'll be semi-solid for most of the battle, so you won't be able to hit him with anything until he becomes fully solid. Phantoon will open his performance by dropping large blue plasma flames around the screen, he'll be firing these out all the time, you can either avoid them until they disappear or blast them with your Beam weapon to extinguish them. After floating around for a while, Phantoon will open his eye and vanish. If you're quick you can hit him in the eye while it's open before he disappears, try to hit the eye with a Super Missile, but to score a direct hit you need to hit the eye directly. Phantoon will continue to drop flames while invisible, at this point get a Super Missile ready to fire. As soon as Phantoon appears his eye will be open, starting straight at you. He'll also become solid so now it's time to fire a Super Missile at him. Be careful as when he appears a heap of flames will drop down from the ceiling. Once you hit Phantoon he'll disappear and reappear at the top of the screen. From here he'll fire out several more blue flames that travel down in a circular path across the room, first from his right side, then his left. He'll repeat this for a while before going back to hovering around the room dropping flames. A good way to avoid the circular-moving flames is to stand below Phantoon and to one side, fire away straight up and hopefully your shots will destroy the flames before they get too close. Wait until Phantoon becomes solid before firing (he'll become solid after dropping out flames while he's invisible), and you shouldn't have much trouble beating him. You'll know once he's dead as he'll stop moving and flash for a few seconds before exploding and doing a kind of warp-out self-destruct. -->Serpent -Location: Maridia -Attacks: Charge attack, Green fireballs -Weakness: Missiles, Super Missiles -Description: About halfway through the subterranean water caverns of Maridia you'll confront this water Serpent. It'll be swimming around the screen often while weaving in and out of the four holes in the background. If the Serpent tunnels down a hole and pops its head out, it'll fire out a few green fireballs, they shouldn't be too difficult to avoid. You'll need to hit the head to cause damage, try scoring as many hits as you can with Super Missiles, but be careful as once you deal out enough damage the Serpent will go wild and stream around the screen much faster than normal. It'll be tougher to hit the head, keep pounding away at it, once it blows the wall on the right will crumble, allowing you to proceed. -->Draygon -Location: Maridia -Attacks: Gun Turrets, Sting/Grab attack, Bomb spores -Weakness: Grappling Beam -Description: When you enter Draygon's room he'll take his time wandering in from the left wall. As you enter the room, drop down below and wait for the four mini-Draygons to swarm past. You'll eventually notice two gun turrets on each side of the room, quickly destroy them with Missiles before Draygon appears, and try to avoid the energy balls they fire. When Draygon finally appears he'll swim around the screen trying to ram into Samus. If he slows down and spews out small gray blobs, they'll land on the ground and slow Samus down if they grab hold of her. Draygon's weak point is his yellow belly (ironic, he is a bit of a coward). You can fire as many Super Missiles into his belly as you can, but there's a much easier and quicker way to finish the crustacean. If Draygon lowers down to the ground and manages to grab Samus, he'll swim around while stinging Samus often. Notice how the remains of the gun turrets on the walls are sparking electricity? This is the key to Draygon's demise. Switch to the Grappling Beam and fire away at the turrets, eventually Draygon will bring you close enough to one, when you manage to strike one of them, the Grappling Beam will draw the electricity from the turret through the beam and Samus to damage Draygon. Samus will take damage while the beam connects, but it won't be anything compared to the beating Draygon'll get. Keep holding out and eventually Draygon will let go and sink down into the ground below. -->Chozo Statue (2) -Location: Norfair (Ridley's Area) -Attacks: Arm lash, Sonic beam, Spore bombs -Weakness: Charge Beam, Missiles, Super Missiles -Description: Not long after you enter the extreme temperature Ridley's Area in Norfair, you'll find a door in a large room that you can't open (it'll be gray in color). Walk up to the door and another live Chozo Statue will drop down from above. This one will be yellow in color, as you damage it it'll become a duller gray. This one will be tougher than the Bomb power-up statue, but it'll have similar attacks. The statue will march and jump around the room, it'll also fire out the sonic beams and smaller energy balls. If it spews out the bombs quickly blast them to receive energy and missile refills. You might want to use Missiles or the Charge Beam to deal out damage, as you'll need all the Super Missiles you have for the next two boss battles. Finish off the statue and head through the flashing door to find the Screw Attack. -->Ridley Guards -Location: Norfair (Ridley's Area) -Attacks: Arm projectiles, Jump/Charge attacks -Weakness: Charge Beam, Missiles, Super Missiles -Description: Just before facing Ridley you'll have to deal with these two gray Zebesians. You won't be able to damage them while they're gray, instead jump up above them and fly back and forth while waiting for one to jump. When one jumps over the other it'll flash and become yellow, quickly fire a Super Missile at it to cause damage. Watch out for the arm projectiles they throw, once you blow one up wait for the other one to jump then fire a Super Missile. Once you finish them both off keep going left to find Ridley. -->Ridley -Location: Norfair (Ridley's Area) -Attacks: Fire blast projectiles, Tail lash, Charge/Grab attack -Weakness: Charge Beam, Missiles, Super Missiles -Description: This time when you face Ridley it'll be a fight to the finish. Once again he'll appear from the background and begin flying around. Your biggest worry here is Ridley's flight pattern, as he'll be flying around the room randomly, try to avoid a collision as much as possible. Ridley will also swing his tail around and fire out a range of fireballs. The best way to finish Ridley is to just pummel him with Missiles and Super Missiles. Unload all your remaining Super Missiles into him then fire away with Missiles. Full Reserve Tanks will help here in case you take too much damage, if you run out of Missiles just use the Charge Beam. Try to avoid hitting his tail as it won't cause any damage, go for the head has much as you can. As you damage Ridley he'll slowly become a heavy shade of red, once you finally finish him he'll explode and break apart, leaving you to find the capsule that contained the hatchling broken open and empty (don't forget the Energy Tank hidden under the door). -->Mother Brain (1) -Location: Tourian -Attacks: Gun Turrets -Weakness: Charge Beam, Missiles, Super Missiles -Description: Near the end of Tourian, you'll enter a hallway filled with gun turrets and lava. At the far end of the hallway is the Mother Brain, awaiting the final battle. Break through the energy barriers with Missiles, then once you reach the Mother Brain you'll find it encased in a glass container, just like in the original Metroid. Hammer away at the glass with Missiles to break it open, then fire away at the Mother Brain with everything you've got. The only trouble you'll have is avoiding the gun turret's fire and the circle energy balls. Keep holding out and after a few rounds the Mother Brain's container will crumble and it'll fall down to the floor, just before commencing the final part of the battle. -->Mother Brain (2) -Location: Tourian -Attacks: Laser projectiles, Bombs, Energy-draining beam -Weakness: Charge Beam, Missiles, Super Missiles, Hyper Beam -Description: After the Mother Brain falls to the floor and the platforms in the room crumble, it'll slowly begin to rise up out of the ground, with a massive T-Rex type body below it. You won't have any trouble avoiding a collision, as the Mother Brain will stay on the left side of the room. This part of the battle will be much more trickier than the first part. The head is the weak point, unload Missiles, Super Missiles and the Charge Beam into it. As you attack the head, it'll fire out a range of projectiles, including a bomb, fireballs, it'll also fire out a continuous beam from its arms, stay low and quickly jump up as it fires. If a bomb drops out quickly jump up as when it explodes it'll send out a shock wave along the floor. There actually isn't much point in firing at the head, as you won't be causing the Mother Brain any damage. Keep firing anyway, as when your Missiles begin to run low, the Mother Brain will begin charging up energy in its brain, it'll then fire out a massive beam that completely paralyzes Samus and slams her against the wall while draining your energy, Missiles, Super Missiles and Power Bombs. When it releases the beam, Samus will drop to the ground and slowly get up, but once your energy drops below about 200, the Mother Brain will charge up its brain, ready for another charge, but the last thing the Mother Brain would expect occurs. Just before the Mother Brain finishes Samus, the fully grown Metroid will come into the room and attack the Mother Brain, attaching itself to the Mother Brain's head. It'll begin to suck the Mother Brain's energy away, after a few seconds the Metroid will release itself and the Mother Brain will sit down in the corner, completely drained. The Metroid will then hover down to Samus and begin restoring her energy. As the Metroid restores Samus, the Mother Brain will drool (the slimy thing) and come back to life. It'll begin attacking the Metroid, then once your energy is fully resorted, the Mother Brain finishes off the last (or so was thought) Metroid. Its remains will fall down over Samus and she'll begin to flash. When you regain control Samus will now have a new beam weapon, the Hyper Beam. This devastating beam is far more powerful than any other, fire at the Mother Brain's head and you'll see why. Each shot will cause the Mother Brain to reel back, keep pummeling away and you'll notice it'll begin to turn a red color. After a few more shots the Mother Brain's body will explode, the head will fall to the ground and disintegrate, ending the Space Pirates evil scheme. But there's no time for cheering yet, as a timer will then appear on the screen and you'll have 3 minutes to get back to your ship before the entire planet explodes. =====================================\ -(5.0 WALKTHROUGH)- =====================================/ Zebes is an intricately detailed maze of caverns, hidden rooms and death traps. This walkthrough below will help you traverse the many areas of Zebes, just keep in mind that we'll concentrate on getting through the game's areas successfully in this part, the bosses and power-up locations are detailed in their own sections above. .:---------------------(5.1 SPACE STATION CERES)------------------------:. The game begins with Samus responding to a distress call from the Ceres Station. You'll start out at the top of a long shaft, Drop down past all the platforms and go through the door at the bottom. Head through the next few corridors, eventually you'll find the main control room with bodies of crew members everywhere. Go through the door at the back of the room to find the Metroid hatchling, just before the giant Ridley appears holding it. Refer to the bosses guide to send Ridley on his way. Once Ridley escapes with the Metroid, the self-destruct sequence will engage and you'll have exactly 1 minute to escape the station before it blows. Quickly head back out to the control room and through all the corridors back to the main shaft. Watch out for the gas that spews out from the ground and walls, and keep an eye out for falling debris. Once you reach the main shaft, jump back up to the main elevator to escape from the station. .:---------------------(5.2 PLANET ZEBES)-------------------------------:. After escaping from the doomed Ceres Station, Samus tracks Ridley to the Space Pirate's fortress, Planet Zebes. Once Samus lands down on the surface, she'll exit her ship and your main adventure will begin. This first area drenched with acid rain is Crateria, from here you'll have to make your way down to Brinstar. Go left past your ship, eventually you'll reach a door leading into a cave. Go through and head through the enclosed cavern. Eventually you'll reach a hole in the floor, drop down to the very bottom of the shaft and go through the door set in the floor. You'll now find yourself in the same shaft that Samus escaped Zebes via in the original Metroid, and it'll be obvious because the place will look a complete wreck. Drop down to the bottom of the shaft and go through the door. You'll find the remains of the Mother Brain in this "Old Tourian" area. Go through to the door on the right to find an elevator in the next room. Ride the elevator down to Brinstar. Once you land, go left to find the Morphing Ball, then head right into the next room. Grab missile no. 1 (Brinstar) down below the shaft, then go into the corridor on the right at the top of the shaft to find missile no. 2 (Brinstar). .:---------------------(5.3 INTRUDER ALERT)-----------------------------:. Once you've got both missiles, go back to the main elevator and ride it up to Crateria. You'll notice that as you ride up the elevator two glowing rock faces either side of the shaft will turn to face Samus, it looks like you've been detected. Sure enough, when you go back into the "Old Tourain" area, it'll be filled with Zebesians ready to attack. Blast them all in the room and head back to the huge shaft. Go back up the shaft while blasting the wall-hugging Zebesians, Once you reach the top head through the door in the roof. Back in the rocky cavern, you'll find more enemies crawling around the place. Go through the first door on the right up the shaft to eventually find the Map room, you can also get missile no. 1 (Crateria) through the door on the left side of the shaft, but you'll need the Bomb power-up first. Get back up to the top of the shaft and head right. Just past the three Skree you'll notice a small opening in the floor. Activate the Morphing Ball and drop through to find another shaft leading down. Go through the door at the bottom, blast all the small enemies in the next corridor, then blow open the door at the end of the corridor with 5 missiles, just make sure you refill your missiles before you enter the room. Once inside, grab the Bomb power-up from the statue in the corner, then wait for the Chozo Statue to awaken before firing at it. Refer to the bosses guide for tactics to beat it. .:---------------------(5.4 THE JOURNEY TO BRINSTAR)--------------------:. Once you've whacked the statue, head back out and make your way back up to the main rocky corridor. Go past the three Skree and keep going to the left end of the corridor. Activate the Morphing Ball and plant a bomb by the wall to blow open a hole. Go through and head through the door there. Run down the long sloping corridor while blasting enemies, at the bottom you'll find Energy Tank no. 1 (Crateria). In the next shaft you'll find Zebesians that can't be damaged with your beam weapon, so just pummel them with Missiles. Drop down to the bottom of the shaft, behind the purple door on the right you'll eventually reach the Statue room containing the entrance to Tourian, you can go take a gander now, but once you're ready go through the door on the left. Go through the next rocky corridor, at the far end you'll find another elevator leading down to Brinstar, so hop aboard. Once you enter this thorny region of Brinstar, go down the shaft, blasting any enemies along the way. When you reach the first two doors facing each other, go through the left one to eventually find the Map room, you can also reach missile no. 3 (Brinstar) in the door on the right. A Save room is a little further down, you might want to consider saving the game now. At the bottom of the shaft, the left door leads to a Missile Reload room, go through the right door when you're ready. You'll now be in a long purple corridor which has a nifty background with falling snowflakes. Whack all the enemies here and go over to the blocked-up wall on the right side. Bomb through the wall, then keep going and go through the door on the right side of the corridor. You're now in a huge purple shaft, you'll find another boss room leading off from the top-right corner. Before you go up there, go down the shaft to find missiles no. 4 and 5 (Brinstar), as well as the Charge Beam (see 3.1). Once you've found everything, go up to the top of the shaft and save your game in the Save room in the top left corner. Go through the top right corner door of the shaft to find a thorny corridor with large Keyhunters flying about. Shoot them with Missiles to finish them off, then go over to the right end of the corridor. Open up the door in the roof and go up to find Spore Spawn's room. Refer to the bosses guide to beat it. .:---------------------(5.5 DIGGING DEEPER)-----------------------------:. Once you've beaten Spore Spawn, it'll turn to stone and you'll be able to climb up the shaft above. Go through the door at the top and go over to the far end of the next corridor. Drop down through the floor there to fall down a never-ending shaft, once at the bottom you'll find Super Missile no. 1 (Brinstar). Go left and exit the room. Cross through the next corridor to make your way back to the large purple shaft. Use a Super Missile to break open the wall and crawl through to reach the shaft. Go down to the very bottom of the shaft, then go over to the door in the corner. Use a Super Missile to break it open, then head in to find a green corridor gradually sloping downwards. Go down the corridor, just watch out for the small flying enemies that pop out of the green pipes. Don't forget to grab missile no. 6 (Brinstar) on the way down. Once you reach the shutter, shoot it open and blast all the Sidehoppers on the other side. Go through the door on the right to find another long green corridor. In here you'll find a large elevated platform leading off down the corridor, but once you reach the point where the spikes are lined along the ceiling the platform blocks will crumble and you'll fall through. To get through here hold down B to dash while you're walking forward, this way Samus will make it across without falling. Head through the door at the end of the corridor to reach a large orange shaft. Once inside, drop down below and keep falling down past all the Ripper you'll find, eventually you'll reach the bottom. Through the door on the left is an Energy Refill room, once you're ready go through the door on the right. Just above this room is another beam upgrade, the Spazer (see 3.1). Once you've secured it, head through the door on the right side of the room to enter Maridia. Walk through the tunnel underwater and don't worry about exploring, you'll be covering every inch of Maridia later on. Once you re-enter Brinstar you'll find the elevator leading down to Norfair. Ride the elevator down into the inferno, just remember that Samus' suit won't protect her against hot rooms, so turn back if you begin losing energy. Drop down to the bottom of the shaft containing the main elevator, then go through the door on the left. In here you'll find Energy Tank no. 1 (Norfair), once you get it walk over to the wall to fall through crumbling blocks. Sneak through the narrow tunnels but watch out for the orange Geemer. Drop down the shaft and head through the door at the bottom to find the Hi-Jump Boots, go back into the large room and jump up the platforms above the door to eventually find missile no. 1 (Norfair). Blast the Geemer, then head back to the main shaft. Leave Norfair, once the elevator takes you back up to Brinstar, blow open the wall on the right with a Super Missile. Head through and jump up to the high platform. Walk past the ugly statue in the foreground, then head through the door there. Proceed through the next few rooms, eventually you'll reach a room full of Keyhunters. Whack them all, you can then find a Save room on the far right end of the hallway, but once you're ready go to the center of the room and shoot out a section in the floor to reveal another tunnel. Go down and head through the door there. In the next green corridor the music will change to a warning type tune, so you'll know that your near a main boss. Go through the corridor while blasting the Zebesians there, and watch out for the small thorns that come flying past. At the far end of the corridor you'll face the Kraid Spawn, just whack it with Missiles to finish it off. In the next room, you can go up through the ceiling above to find a room with an Energy/Missile Refill station, but at the end of the room you'll find a boss guard door (and the remains of a Federation Soldier). Destroy the door when the eye opens then head through to face the first main boss of the game, Kraid. Refer to the bosses guide to send the overgrown lizard packing. .:---------------------(5.6 INTO THE FIRE)------------------------------:. Once Kraid's crumbled into the ground, go through the door on the right of his chamber to find the all-important Varia Suit. Once you've got it, head back to the elevator leading down to Norfair (don't forget to grab Energy Tank no. 1 (Brinstar) on the way). Once you reach the elevator ride down into Norfair, and get ready for a hunt for item power-ups. We'll first go looking for the Speed Booster. Go through the door down on the right below the elevator to find a huge heated cavern. You won't take damage anymore as the Varia Suit will protect Samus. Proceed through the room while blasting enemies, eventually you'll reach a door leading to a second lava cavern. In this room you can find missile no. 10 (Norfair). In the next room lava will be slowly rising up from the ground, quickly head through and try to avoid all the enemies around. The next cavern you'll enter will be filled with green terrain, here you can find missile no. 2 (Norfair). Go over to the small platform in the center of the room and bomb it open. Drop down below and traverse through the narrow tunnels below, just watch out for the orange Geemers. Once at the bottom, go through the door in the floor. Go down the shaft, the door halfway down contains a few enemies that'll drop several energy and weapon refills, once you're ready, go down through the door at the base of the shaft. Keep going right through the next few corridors, eventually you'll reach a shaft leading up. Climb up the shaft, and watch out for the heads in the walls that spit blue fire. In the next room, you'll have to ride across small green platforms to avoid the lava below. Once you reach the far side, go through the door reach another shaft (this game's full of them). Go up to the very top while blasting the dragons and Multiviolas along the way. Once at the top go through the door to find yourself back in the large green cavern, this time you'll be in the top right corner of the room. Go up to the door above you and head through. Beyond here is the Speed Booster (see 3.1). Don't forget to grab missile no. 3 (Norfair) just outside the Speed Booster's room. Once you've got the Speed Booster, retrace your steps back to the main elevator of Norfair. Once there, go through the door down on the left from the elevator. Run through the corridor, passing all the closing shutters - the Speed Booster will get you straight through. Go through the door at the end of the corridor, in the next room you'll be able to find the Ice Beam here (see 3.1). Once you've got the Ice Beam, head to the top of the shaft outside the Ice Beam's room and go through the door up there. Drop down the next shaft, you'll end up back in the corridor with the closing shutters. Blow open the small tunnel in the roof, blast the Geemer in there before going through. Roll through the tunnel and head back up to Brinstar. Once you reach Brinstar, go all the way back to the huge orange shaft. Now that you have the Ice Beam, you'll be able to freeze the Ripper flying in the air to climb back up. Freeze them and climb up the shaft, keep climbing up to the very top of the shaft then go through the door at the top. Head through the spike-filled room, once you reach the next shaft shoot the floor open to eventually find Power Bomb no. 1 (Brinstar) and missile no. 11 (Brinstar). Once you've found them, go back to the shaft and go up to the very top. You can find Power Bomb no. 2 (Brinstar) in the room on the left below the elevator, but once you're ready take the elevator up to Crateria. Taking this path back to Crateria, you can head back over to the other main elevator of Brinstar on the far left of Crateria, this way you can pick up a load of items before heading back to Norfair. In Crateria, you should be able to find Power Bomb no. 1 (Crateria), missiles no. 7 and 8 (Crateria) and Energy Tank no. 2 (Crateria). Going down to Norfair via Brinstar you should be able to pick up missiles no. 7 and 8 (Brinstar), Super Missiles no. 2 and 3 (Brinstar), Reserve Tank no. 1 (Brinstar), Energy Tank no. 2 (Brinstar) and Power Bombs no. 3, 4 and 5 (you'll pay the Etecoons a visit when looking for no. 4). You can also grab missile no. 12 (Brinstar) near Kraid's room as well. Phew, with this amount of weaponry you should have enough to take Crocomire for a swim. Once you head back down to Norfair, first visit the Map room down the shaft with the main elevator (blow the door open with a Power Bomb), then go back into the corridor just below the elevator that contains the closing shutters. Run past the shutters, then use a Power Bomb to blow open the hole at the end of the corridor. Drop down and go into the large cavern below. Blast all the fiery enemies, then head through the door on the far left side. In this next shaft you can pick up missile no. 6 (Norfair) in the opposite wall, but if you're having too much trouble reaching it come back once you've found the Space Jump. Drop down to the bottom of the shaft and head through the door there. In the next massive corridor, dash to the right until the Speed Booster kicks in, you'll then blast through multiple enemies along the way, after breaking through a few rock walls you'll land in a room with a door in the floor. You can save your game in a Save room further up the shaft, but once you're ready go through the door in the floor to face Crocomire. Refer to the bosses guide to melt his hide. .:---------------------(5.7 THE HAUNTED SHIP)---------------------------:. Once you've finished Crocomire, go over to the left side of his corridor and enter the door there. From here you'll be able to find the Grappling Beam (see 3.1). Once you've found it, you'll be able to find a load of items before leaving Norfair to head topside to the Wrecked Ship. You should be able to pick up the Wave Beam (see 3.1), missiles no. 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 11 (Norfair). You can also find Reserve Tank no. 1 (Norfair), Power Bomb no. 1 (Norfair) and Energy Tank no. 2 (Norfair). On the way up to Crateria in Brinstar, you'll be able to find the X-Ray Scope (see 3.1). Once you've found everything, go up to the main elevator in Brinstar up past the orange shaft. Go up into Crateria, go up the rocky shaft, then head right to find the room containing missile no. 2 (Crateria). Cross the room using the Grappling Beam, then go out to the massive open area through the right door. On the far right of this area is the main entrance to the Wrecked Ship. Cross the platforms above the water, you'll need to use the Grappling Beam to swing across a number of them, you'll also have to grab onto a Ripper to swing across one. Once you reach the other side, blow the door open with a Super Missile and enter the derelict ship. The first thing you'll notice inside is that the power's off. Run to the end of the long corridor and head through the door. Go down the main shaft to the very bottom, keep in mind that you can grab missile no. 1 (Wrecked Ship) on the way down. Once you're ready, go down to the very bottom of the shaft and shoot open the floor below (watch out for the Covern that appear). Drop down through the passage and go through the door in the floor below. In the next corridor below, go over to the right-hand side, blow open a hole in the base of the wall to find a boss guard door. Destroy the door when the eye opens, then head through to face the phantom boss Phantoon. Refer to the bosses guide to send it back to wherever it came from. .:---------------------(5.8 DIVE INTO THE DEEP BLUE)--------------------:. Once you send Phantoon back to the grave the ship's power will be restored and you'll be able to explore to your heart's content. Leave Phantoon's room and go over to the far left side of the corridor to find the Map room. Watch out for the walking robots (they occasionally fire energy balls) and the floating green spheres. Once you've downloaded the map, go back up to the main shaft of the ship. You can find Super Missiles no. 1 and 2 (Wrecked Ship) not far up the shaft, once you've found them climb up to the very top of the main shaft and head through the door in the roof. Blast all the Keyhunters and green spheres in the next corridor to open the doors, you can find missile no. 2 (Wrecked Ship) through the door on the right, once you've found it go through the door on the left side to reach the open area in Crateria. Out here you can find missiles no. 4 and 5 (Crateria). Once you've found them, go over to the left side of the area and find the breakable blocks in the ground. Blow them open then head down below to find a door on the right. Go through the enclosed room and head back into the Wrecked Ship. At the end of the corridor you'll find the statue that takes you down to find the Gravity Suit (see 3.1). Once you find the Gravity Suit you can also find missile no. 3 (Wrecked Ship) and Reserve Tank no. 1 (Wrecked Ship). Head out through the door in the Gravity Suit's room to land back down in the open area in Crateria. You'll be able to find missile no. 6 (Crateria) in the corner of the area, once you've found it head back inside the Wrecked Ship. Go through the door below the Save room's door to find a corridor partly filled with water. Head through the door on the right-hand side and go through the hallway lined with spikes. You'll then find yourself in a shaft leading up, at the very top blow open the roof to find the room containing Energy Tank no. 1 (Wrecked Ship), then head through the door on the right to leave the ship and enter a new area of Crateria. Swim through the enclosed lake, eventually you'll reach another door. Head in and descend down the large shaft. Go through the door at the base of the shaft to find yourself in a room with complicated narrow tunnels everywhere. To get through to the door in the bottom left corner of the room, drop down below the door above and use the X-Ray Scope to reveal a hidden passage behind the terrain. Break through the destructible block to gain entrance, then go through the hidden passage to reach the door. Go through and use a Power Bomb to get access to the elevator leading down to Maridia. Maridia will be full of quicksand and water-filled caverns, having the Gravity Suit here will allow you to explore freely. Once inside, drop down to the bottom of the long shaft and go through the door on the left. Head through the long underground lake, try to avoid all the enemies jumping around. In the next room watch out for the crab arms in the sand, they'll pop up and try to drag Samus under. Head through the door to find a huge cavern with the lower part filled with water. Drop down into the water and head left. Go up the shaft you'll find, then head left at the top of the cliff find a door set in the floor. Blow open the door with a Super Missile and jump in. You'll pass through a huge room below via a long vertical pipe, once you come out from the bottom you'll end up in the lower part of Maridia. Go left through the long corridor filled with quicksand and sandfalls. Watch out for the Evirs (mini-Draygons) in the room, Once you reach a room with a few orange crabs crawling around, instead of going through the open door on the left, activate the Morphing Ball and drop through a hidden tunnel below the small platform. Down here you can download the map from the Map room on the right, once you're ready go through the door on the left. You'll now be in a long corridor filled with jumping yellow slime balls, go to the far left and open the shutter there with a Super Missile. Drop down through the hole in the corner of the room and you'll end up in the tunnels connected to Brinstar. Go left into the room with the glass underwater tunnel, then plant a Power Bomb to blow it open. You can go down to the Save room below to save your game, but once you're ready, go up through the door in the roof of the shaft to find a huge underwater cavern. From here you can reach missile no. 1 (Maridia), once you've mastered the Shinespark moves and reached it successfully, climb to the very top of the shaft and go through the door there. You'll now be in a massive cavern with Grappling Hook blocks in the ceiling. From here you can find Super Missile no. 1 (Maridia), but you're main target in this huge room will be the top right corner of the room. You can swing across the blocks and the puffer fish that swim about the room, but to save time there's a much easier way to reach the door. Drop down to the bottom of the room, blast any orange crabs, then go over to the left side of the room. Run to the right side, once the Speed Booster kicks in, crouch down then quickly jump up the rightmost shaft, jump onto the edge of the left side of the hole, then face right, angle up then jump. If you aimed properly, you'll fly straight up to the door and easily make it. Once up there, head through to find another shaft leading up and down. Go up the shaft and through the door in the roof to find missiles no. 4 and 5 (Maridia) and Super Missile no. 3 (Maridia). Once you've found them, drop down the shaft and go through the door on the right side of the corridor. You'll now be in the huge room containing the long vertical pipe. In here you can find missile no. 2 (Maridia) and Super Missile no. 2 (Maridia). You can also reach two rooms containing items from below the sandpits at the bottom of the cavern, but you'll need the Spring Ball and Space Jump to reach them. Once you've found the missile and Super Missile, go over to the top left corner of the room, use the Wall Jump or the Grappling Beam to reach it. Go through the door in the roof to find yourself in a corridor filled with Mochtroids. Don't worry about them, they're a pushover compared to the real Metroids. Head through the corridor, use the X-Ray Scope to see the destructible walls, you'll need to use the Speed Booster to break through the wall on the far right of the room. Go through the door at the end of the corridor to face the water Serpent. Refer to the bosses guide to crush it down. Once the Serpent falls apart go past the crumbling wall and head through the door there. In the next corridor you'll be able to find Energy Tank no. 1 (Maridia). Once you've secured it, go through the door on the right side of the corridor. In the next shaft, you can break through the wall ahead to eventually reach a Missile Reload room, go up the shaft using the Wall Jump trick or the Grappling Beam and head through the door in the upper right corner. You'll now find yourself in a massive room filled with Grappling Hook blocks and quicksand along the bottom of the floor. Traverse through the room using the Wall Jump trick or the Grappling Beam to climb over the large pillar platforms, and watch out for the Mochtroids. At the far right of the room a Save room and Energy Refill room awaits through the upper right door, Once you're ready go through the lower right door. In this next room you'll find missile no. 3 (Maridia) ahead on the right. Drop down below the spikes at the foot of the door to find a hidden shaft below. Drop down, destroy the guard door you find then head through the door to confront the giant crustacean Draygon. Refer to the bosses guide to cook his hide. .:---------------------(5.9 A JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF ZEBES)-----------:. Once you're done with Draygon, go through the door on the left of his chamber to find the Space Jump. We'll now head back through the rest of Maridia finding all the remaining items. Head back up to the huge corridor filled with spikes and Mochtroids. It'll be easy to get back to the left side with the Space Jump, once you reach the shaft leading down, go through the door halfway down on the left wall. Proceed through the next huge room with all the blue Cacatacs, head through the door at the far side of the room and descend the shaft there. Go left to eventually find yourself back in the first large cavern you entered not long after entering Maridia. Before heading on, you can go up to find the Plasma Beam (see 3.1). Once you've found it, go over to the door containing the huge vertical pipe and jump in. Once you land down below, you can head right to eventually find the Spring Ball (see 3.1). Once you've got it, you can head back to the large underwater shaft on the far left to find Energy Tank no. 2 (Maridia) and missile no. 8 (Maridia). You can also now head back up to the room with the vertical pipe to find missiles no. 6 and 7 (Maridia), Reserve Tank no. 1 (Maridia) and Power Bomb no. 1 (Maridia), you'll find them all below the sandpits at the bottom of the room. Once you've found everything it'll be time to head back to Norfair to track down the only remaining main boss, Ridley. Once you've made it to Norfair, get ready to go deeper down than you've been so far. Go down to the bottom of the shaft and into the Save room on the right. Save your game, then head through the door on the right and run through the next corridor. In the next fiery room, go right, then drop through the door in the floor of the large green cavern. Descend the shaft, then head through the door on the right. Run through the next corridor, then descend the next shaft you'll find. At the bottom you'll reach a yellow door, blow it open with a Power Bomb, then head through to find a heated room almost completely filled with lava. Don't worry, this lava can't penetrate the Gravity Suit, so dive on in. Freeze the heads in the walls that spit fire, on the left side of the room use the Space Jump to reach the platform at the top. Walk past the giant Ridley head in the foreground and head through the door there. You'll now find yourself in a room with another main elevator leading down. Save your game in the room on the left before heading down. Riding down the elevator will take you down to Ridley's Area. You can almost feel the heat here, even the background will be shimmering. Once you land, head left through the lava-filled corridor, just watch out for the flames erupting from the small blocks. Once you reach the end, head through the door to find a large room, again filled with lava. Space Jump over to the top left corner and lay a Power Bomb to reveal a Chozo Statue with nothing in its hands. Stand on the hand and activate the Morphing Ball to lower the lava. Drop down through the small hole in the floor to find another corridor. Use a Power Bomb to break open a small tunnel below, then head right through the corridor. In the next room you'll fight the Chozo Statue mini-boss, but first you'll be able to reach missile no. 12 (Norfair). Drop down into the room to face the statue. Refer to the bosses guide to give the first statue you fought a companion. Once the statue's gone, go through the flashing door to find the Screw Attack (see 3.1). Once you've got it head back into the statue's room to find Super Missile no. 1 (Norfair). Travel through the next few shafts and corridors, just watch out for the heads in the walls and the yellow Zebesians (destroy them with the Screw Attack). Before you enter the massive room that fills with lava, you'll be able to grab missile no. 13 (Norfair). Once you get it, make sure you don't fall down to the bottom of the shaft outside the missile's room, otherwise you'll have to go back around via the Chozo Statue's room again. When you enter a huge room and drop down to the ground far below, quickly begin using the Space Jump to fly up to the top right hand corner, as the entire room will be filling with deadly lava. In the next room, past the right door you'll be able to reach some items, but we'll get them on the way out of Norfair. Shoot the two small blocks in this room and drop through the hidden holes below to find a long shaft leading down. Below is a Save room, just watch out for the red Keyhunters. At the bottom of the shaft, use a Power Bomb to break open a small tunnel, then head through and to the right to find a door in the floor. Blow it open with a Power Bomb and drop through. In the next room, the small alcove in the left wall contains a hidden passage, activate the Morphing Ball and jump into the alcove. Bomb open the wall to find a tunnel leading left. Go through to find a long corridor filled with statues and large blue and red Sidehopper-type enemies. At the far left of the corridor you can find Power Bomb no. 2 (Norfair). Blow open the statue at the end of the corridor (the one without a head) and drop down into the tunnel below. Stand on the purple elevators to descend this shaft, then head through the door at the bottom to confront two gray Zebesians in the next corridor (aka Ridley's Guards). Refer to the bosses guide to finish them off. Head through the door on the left of the corridor once you've beaten the guards to find another long corridor filled with lava. Blast the enemies coming out of the pipes to recover health and missiles, as you'll be needing as many Super Missiles as possible to use against Ridley. The next corridor will have Multiviolas crawling around platforms, they usually drop Power Bombs. As the end of the corridor you'll find the boss guard door, blow it open and head in to face Ridley one last time. Refer to the bosses guide to finish him off once and for all. .:---------------------(5.10 THE FINAL CONFRONTATION)--------------------:. Now that Ridley's gone for good, you'll finally be able to enter Tourian and face the Mother Brain. Before leaving Ridley's room, go through the door on the left to find Energy Tank no. 4 (Norfair). You'll also finally find the Metroid hatchling's container in this room, but alas, it's broken open and the hatchling is nowhere to be seen. Leave this area and head back to the long shaft containing the Save room and the red Keyhunters. Once back there, head to the top of the shaft and go right. In this next shaft, you'll be able to find Energy Tank no. 3 (Norfair). Once you've got it, head up to the top of the shaft (watch out for the boulders), but instead of going through the door on the right, walk through the wall on the left to find a hidden door. In the next room you'll be able to find missile no. 14 (Norfair), you'll also be able to reach Power Bomb no. 3 (Norfair). Once you've found them, head through the door on the left of the room containing the missile to find another corridor with rising and falling lava. At the far end of this corridor below the shaft leading up you can find missile no. 15 (Norfair), once it's secured head up the shaft, but watch out for the Keyhunters. At the top, go through the door, then head through the long corridor to find yourself back in the main Norfair area. From here, head back up to Brinstar. Back in Brinstar, before you head back up to Crateria, you'll be able to pick up Energy Tanks no. 4 and 5 (Brinstar). You can also pay the Drachora (the creature that shows you how to perform the Shinespark move) a visit if you feel like it. Go back to the area where you first entered Brinstar to pick up Power Bomb no. 3 (Brinstar), if you haven't already, you'll also be able to find missiles no. 9 and 10 (Brinstar) and Energy Tank no. 3 (Brinstar). Once you've found everything head back up the elevator to Crateria. Now you should only have missile no. 3 (Crateria) and Super Missile no. 1 (Crateria) left to find. Once you've found them, head back to your ship to refill your weapon payload (if you want to), then head down to the room containing the boss statue. Once you get there, while the creepy music plays in the background, each statue's eye will explode and a spirit will fly up out of the statue. One by one they'll all do this, once all the spirits have left the statue, it'll sink down into the floor below and open up a passage in the floor. Drop down to find the main elevator leading down to Tourian. You'll notice that Tourian will be full of pipes and metal terrain, quite a technological area, which also has a lot of defenses. Down the first shaft, you can save your game in the Save room on the right, but once you're ready go left. You should also notice that you'll already have most of Tourian's map, so you can see where you're going. Throughout the next few corridors and shafts you'll have to fight against several Metroids, make absolute sure that they never grab onto Samus, as they'll begin draining her energy fast. If one grabs hold quickly leave the room to break free. To destroy each Metroid, freeze it then fire a Super Missile at it to finish them. Also watch out for the circle beams that appear from the red and blue turrets in the floor and ceilings. Eventually you'll drop into a room with light brown walls, you'll notice that the warning theme will begin playing. Watch out for the giant Sidehoppers in the room, you can only destroy them with Super Missiles. Go through the door on the left of the room to enter a corridor with a mini-boss Chozo Statue straight ahead, but wait! You'll be thinking to yourself, isn't there only two Chozo Statues listed in the bosses guide?! Don't worry, you won't have to fight this one, just walk straight through it and it'll turn to dust and crumble into the ground. You can probably guess what killed it, can't you? Go into the next corridor to find it filled with dead forms of Ripper, Skree and Geemers that crumble to dust if you touch them. It's now time to find out what's going on. Go to the left side of the room and the screen will stop moving about halfway through. Wait a few seconds, then a blue Sidehopper will hop into the screen. You'll then hear a growling sound and the Metroid hatchling, now a fully grown Metroid, will fly into the room and grab hold of the Sidehopper. It'll begin draining the Sidehopper's energy, before detaching itself from the Sidehopper's drained body. The screen will then move to the left, but you can't get away from the Metroid. It'll cling to Samus and begin draining her energy, but once it drains your energy so that all you have left is 1 unit of energy, it'll let go and seem to remember that Samus was its "mother" that watched it hatch back on SR388. It'll fly around for a bit before leaving the room. Go left and blast open the debris blocking the door, then head through and descend the shaft. Shoot through all the debris, then head through the door on the left at the base of the shaft to find Energy/Missile Reload stations. Once you've filled up, go through the door on the right of the shaft. Go through the next corridor to find a guard door at the end. Blow it open and descend the shaft in the next room. You can save your game in the Save room down the shaft but keep in mind that you won't be able to leave Tourian, the door in the Metroid's room earlier will have sealed off. Drop down to the bottom of the shaft and blow through the door there to find the Mother Brain's new hideout. In this room lava will slowly rise up from below to cover the floor, you'll have to break through several barriers before facing the Mother Brain. Use Super Missiles to break through, just watch out for the gun turrets firing projectiles around the room. Eventually you'll reach the Mother Brain encased in glass, refer to the bosses guide to finish off the maniacal leader of the Space Pirates. Once you've finished the ugly beast, the time bomb will be set and you'll have three minutes to get back to your ship before the entire planet explodes. The wall on the left of the Mother Brain's room will blow open, so quickly go through. The screen will be constantly flashing with explosions rocking around everywhere, so you'll have to concentrate hard to get out of here. In the next corridor, several pillars will close to try and block you in, just blast them with the Hyper Beam to break through. Drop down through the door in the floor to find yourself in a shaft leading down with Zebesians on the walls. Ignore them and drop down to the door at the bottom. Head through to enter a large corridor filled with more Zebesians. Jump up to the platform with the first Zebesian you'll see and run over to the right. Once you reach the end, jump up through the hole there and go left. Once you see another hole in the roof jump up and go right to eventually find a door. Go through to find yet another massive chamber filled with pipes and Zebesians. Use the Space Jump to fly to the top of the room, then head through the passage on the right. Drop down the hole ahead and go left, then fall down the long shaft leading down. Once at the bottom, go into the large area and climb up to the top left corner to find an opening in the roof. This next part you'll be able to use the vertical Shinespark jump to fly up the next shaft ahead. Through the door on the right you'll end up back in Crateria and find the "Old Tourian" shaft that'll begin filling with lava, so you'll have to climb up quickly. While back in the other room in Tourian, begin running towards the door on the right and keep firing to blast any Zebesians along the way. In the next room the Speed Booster will kick in and you'll blast through a few Zebesians and the wall leading into the shaft. As soon as you enter the shaft, press down, quickly run over to the left side of the shaft while Samus is flashing, then jump straight up. You'll fly straight up the shaft and make it to the top in seconds. Head through the door in the roof and climb up the rocky shaft. Once at the top head right, but along the way you can help the Etecoons and Drachoras escape from Zebes by heading down to the room that contained the Bomb power-up. Once inside you'll see them running around, shoot open the wall on the right of the room to allow them to escape. Quickly head back up to the rocky cavern above and go out to the open area where your ship is. The entire surface will be utter chaos, with explosions everywhere while the background continually flashes. Tear over to your ship and hop in to escape from Zebes before it blows, then enjoy the finale and credits, you've earned it! .:---------------------(5.11 FINALE)-------------------------------------:. Well, that's it. With this (spoiler-filled) walkthrough you should have managed to get 100% of all the items in the game, and if you're fast enough you should get a time somewhere between 2:20 hours and 3:00 hours. This way you'll be privileged with having the best ending available (see Secrets & Tips below) as well as having a 100% item collection rate. If you're interested in trying to beat the game with the fastest possible time without getting all the items in the game, see Asaic's Super Challenge Walkthrough also available at the Metroid Database. =====================================\ -(6.0 SECRETS & TIPS)- =====================================/ Many secrets dwell within the game, take a look in this section to read up on the game's different endings, as well as Samus' special moves. --The Three Endings-- The ending you'll get depends on how long it took you to clear the game. The three time requirements and rewards are listed below: 5+ hours: When the large close-up of Samus appears after the credits roll, she'll give you a thumbs-up and jump into the background before firing her weapon at the screen. 3-5 hours: When Samus appears after the credits, her helmet will partly disappear so that you can see her face. She'll give you a thumbs-up again before jumping into the background. 3- hours: This time Samus' entire suit will disappear revealing her entire body. She'll then untie her hair before jumping into the background. --The Shinespark Moves-- The Speed Booster can be used to perform spectacular jumps in different directions. Each jump can help you reach areas not normally accessible. To perform the basic jump straight up, dash until the Speed Booster kicks in. Once it does, press down and Samus will continue to flash. Position yourself where you want to jump and press A to jump straight up incredibly fast. You'll keep flying up until Samus strikes something, but you'll lose energy at the same time so be careful. You can also perform a horizontal dash, just press A and left or right at the same time while Samus is flashing to fly left or right. If you hold the Angle Up button (R) while Samus is flashing and press A, she'll fly up diagonally, this move helps out quite a bit when reaching higher platforms. --The Wall Jump-- Unknown to beginner players, Samus can kick off walls while performing a standard somersault jump to allow her to effectively climb up walls. To do it, jump at a wall, making sure Samus is performing a somersault. When she hits the wall, quickly press the D-pad in the opposite direction and then A. If timed right, Samus will jump off the wall and propel herself higher. With practice, you'll be able to use this to reach areas not normally accessible until you find the Grappling Beam or Space Jump. --Bomb Jump-- With practice, you can use the Bomb power-up to propel Samus as high as you want while in Morphing Ball mode. Activate the Morphing Ball, then lay bombs to propel Samus up. If you plant bombs at the right time while Samus jumps up into the air, you'll be able to continually jump higher. --Plasma Bomb-- To use this special attack, make sure that the Plasma Beam and the Charge Beam are only selected, all other beams are turned off. Select a Power Bomb, then charge up the Charge Beam. Once you charge it up, four green energy balls will fly out around Samus and around the screen, a great trick for striking any enemies on-screen. Keep in mind that you'll use up a Power Bomb when using this attack. --Ice Bomb-- Select the Ice Beam and the Charge Beam, then select a Power Bomb and charge up your weapon to create four ice crystals that rotate around Samus for a short time, before flying out in all directions. --Wave Bomb-- Select the Wave Beam and the Charge Beam, select a Power Bomb and charge your weapon to create four purple energy balls that fly out around Samus in diagonal directions. If you move around the beams will follow you and continue to fly about for a short while. --Spazer Bomb-- Select the Spazer Beam and the Charge Beam, the charge up your weapon with a Power Bomb selected. A large six-beamed attack will swarm around Samus before flying straight up, a good trick for taking out enemies above. --Energy Restoration-- To use this special trick, you must have at least 10 Missiles, 10 Super Missiles, 11 Power Bombs, your Reserve Tanks must be empty and you'll need to have your health under 50 points (with all other Energy Tanks empty). Once you're ready, select a Power Bomb, activate the Morphing Ball, but before laying a bomb, hold down L, R, Down on the D-Pad, then press and hold X to lay a bomb, keep all those buttons pressed down until Samus becomes surrounded by a ball of energy. Her health will be filled up completely while using your weapons to do so. The game will show you this special move as well as the four weapon attacks if you leave it running on the title screen for a short time. =====================================\ -(7.0 READER TIPS)- =====================================/ Here's where readers can submit their various tips covering different parts of the game. Found an easy way to crush Kraid? Discovered any short cuts that cut minutes off play time? If you've got any words of wisdom, give me a shout and I'll post your tips here giving you full credit. Thanks to Dark for the following: - In the large green room in Norfair with the floating red Ripper, you can reach the green door up on the left before getting the Grappling Beam by freezing the Ripper with the Ice Beam. That way you can get all the goodies beyond the green door early on. - If you can use the walljump trick to get the Wave Beam before facing Crocomire, you can use the Wave Beam together with the Spazer to easily whack Crocomire's mouth, pushing him back miles and easily into the lava. - As an alternate Phantoon strategy, if you stand at the right corner of the room, you can easily just blast away at his blue flames and grab the energy and weapon refills they drop. If Phantoon appears above, just aim up and keep firing. When he appears at the top and fires the circular-moving flames, just activate the Morph Ball and roll across to the left corner, then back again each time he fires the flames to easily dodge them. - When you get the Plasma Beam turn off the Ice Beam so that most enemies explode with just one hit. - When fighting Mother Brain, whenever you get hit you'll be invincible for a few seconds, so you can jump down into front of the glass container and pump Mother Brain full of normal missiles (super missiles won't work from here). You'll get hit again, but in the time you're invincible you can rip in a lot of damage. - It's a good idea to go via the power recharge station above and to the right of Crocomire's room when you're heading down to fight Ridley. =====================================\ -(8.0 CONTACTING THE AUTHOR)- =====================================/ If you want to send me a question, comment, etc. please take a moment to make sure that it isn't covered in the guides above, I don't have time to answer any gameplay questions that are covered in this walkthrough. If you have a comment or feedback, I'd love to hear from you, just please make sure that the message is applicable to this guide. E-mail question/comments to falconwingzero@hotmail.com =====================================\ -(9.0 CREDITS)- =====================================/ /Game Companies: Nintendo: For the awesome Metroid series, with its never-ending entertainment and replay value, especially with the recent double sequel topping sales charts everywhere. /Others: Many thanks goes to the Metroid Database for hosting this guide. Thanks to Metroid Player for pointing out an error in 5.5 of the walkthrough. Thanks also goes to Dark for submitting reader tips. =====================================\ -(10.0 LEGAL INFO)- =====================================/ This file and the contents of it can only appear on the following websites: http://www.classicgaming.com/mdb/ No guide authors are allowed to plagiarize directly from this guide's contents into their own, however the information in this guide can be used as a reference for authors creating a Super Metroid guide. Webmasters of Metroid related sites cannot post this file on their sites or link directly to the file's location on the server of the site listed above. Instead, please link directly to the site's homepage instead. This file and the contents within cannot be reproduced/edited in any way, shape or form (electronically or otherwise). It cannot be printed in any magazine, book, guides, etc. or any other way printed by any commercial company. This file cannot be given away as a "prize" or "bonus" or given away in any other way. It also cannot be used in any profitable or promotional ways, no matter the situation. Breaking any of these rules will be in violation of U.S law. Do not question any of the legal messages that are above, they are final, period, and will not be changed under any circumstances. All Metroid related material including characters, names, locations or any other material are copyright to Nintendo. I am personally not affiliated with Nintendo or any other game company involved with the creation of this game. This document and all the guides within are Copyright (c) 2003 Falcon Zero. All rights reserved \==========================================================================/