In Retro Studios' sequel to Metroid Prime, Samus journeys to the Planet Aether, a world split into two dimensions of dark and light.
As the war escalates between the planet's inhabitants, the Luminoth and the Ing, our heroine is also confronted by a being called Dark Samus.
Metroid Prime 2 also features multiplayer deathmatch modes to add to the fun.
(Japanese title: Metroid Prime 2: Dark Echoes)
GAMECUBE 05.26.05 (JP) | 11.15.04 (US) 11.26.04 (EU) | 12.02.04 (AU) |
Wii (Metroid Prime Trilogy) 06.11.09(JP)* | 08.24.09 (US) 09.04.09 (EU) | 10.15.09 (AU) |
Wii U eShop (Metroid Prime Trilogy) 01.29.15 (JP) | 01.29.15 (US) 01.29.15 (EU) | 01.29.15 (AU) |