CHAPTER SIXTEEN: PROJECT CEERN (II) It was a beautiful day on Planet Ghanis. Children were playing in the streets, people were going about their business, and overall everything was going perfectly right. Parcimar Taibos sat down on a bench and unfolded today’s newspaper. It was a joy that paper wasn’t completely obselete now. All of the headlines were about the Kihunters’ more recent assualts on wherever. Parcimar sighed. Couldn’t one day go bye without mention of them? As he thought this, something came in and blotted out the sun. It looked like a total eclipse. Parcimar Taibos put down his paper and looked up. This was no eclipse. Within minutes a small shuttle landed in the middle of West Park, and people started panicking; it was definetely Kihunter. Parcimar, though, stood up and looked at the shuttle. It was totally different from any known Kihunter ship. It looked as though it could be carrying some sort of cargo. The backway opened. Metroids poured out. Parcimar dropped his morning tea and panicked with the croud. it was known what Metroids could do if given the chance. Panic set in of the worst kind. People were running everywhere, trampling each other, daily business forgotten. Parcimar Taibos watched in horror as one by one people, children even, were flailing around with Metroids attached, sucking their lifeblood away. As Parcimar turned to run away, he felt a hard shove in his right arm and fell over. A rather large woman (Evidently the cause) ran over him, causing his bad knee to act up again. Taibos started to get up in spite of the pain but was soon trampled on by more and more large women. Is there some sort of weight loss convention going on? he thought to himself, before turning and seeing a Metroid eyeing him in the chaos. “Easy now,” He said rather calmly as he moved back, trying to find a handhold with which to pull himself up, “Nice Metroid. Very nice.” The Metroid only let out a sort of low growl. Parcimar’s hands found the bench that he sat on, now completely knocked over. Parcimar pulled himself up, “Nice Metroid. Very nice.” he repeated. Just as he turned away it struck, slamming him into the pavement and sinking its teeth deep into his body. Parcimar Taibos let out one last scream before everything went black. * * * Everything turned into sort of a fuzzy haze. Samus squinted to try to see better. She was in a hospital room, all right. There was an IV unit next to her, feeding her calming drugs (Or so she could tell from that lightheaded feeling she was experiencing). Where was she? How did she get here? WHAT ON EARTH WAS GOING ON?!?!?!? Those were the only questions going through her mind at the time. Samus sat up and found that she was sitting on a hospital bed (big surprise). What’s more, with the exception of Samus, the entire room was empty. A few fuzzy memories came back to her, and she remembered flipping out and getting drugged by Hardy. “Great! Just great!” She said out loud, falling back into a reclining posture and falling asleep minutes later. * * * Ridley sat alone. He had decided not to commit suicide, but had no idea of what to do now. Things were beyond his control. He assumed that eventually he would have to get off this asteroid and do something, but what that something was he could not answer. Meanwhile, on Tsebnash, thousands of ships left towards their next target. Earth. Although Earth was bothing more than a medium-sized little blue planet, it had historical significance. It was the Humans, that weak little Earth race, who started the federation. Earth was look at as a historical landmark. It has also been recently restored To its former beauty before space travel (gotta love those historians). The main Federation headquarters were also in that system. To destroy or conquer it would Break the back of the Federation and end this war. The ships traveled slowly, for the sake of cover. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: DAZED AND CONFUSED Dr. Myff stepped into Samus’ little hospital room and woke her up. “Hello, ms. Aran. Feeling better? I hope so. I am taking the liberty of adding a few heavy tranquilizers to your dosage, just to keep you from doing anything rash. Please hold still, although this will hurt a lot, you’ll fell better in no time.” He raised up a dripping syringe. Always one for those old-fashioned hypodermic needles, Dr. Myff was. He seemed to enjoy it. Samus was already feeling better, thank you very much, and she hated needles. Besides, she had a little plan cooked up in the back of her mind. Samus knocked the good doctor out with an extremely good backhand, considering the fact that she’d been officially on prescription drugs for the last several hours, clumsily unhooked the IV unit (Remember, the drugs), and also clumsily put on Dr. Myff’s labcoat. Samus rushed back toward her quarters, hoping against hope that no one would recognize her along the way. * * * Hardy ran towards Keaton, sweat pouring down his face in little rivets. “Chairman!” he shouted, “Something has been detected, moving towards us! We think it’s a Kihunter fleet, but no fleet is that huge! Here! The readings!” “Stop babbling and give me the sattelite readings!” Keaton grabbed the pad from Hardy. He stopped. “Sound the alarm! I want as much of the fleet possible here! Help!” Apparently, The chairman could panic too. Samus ran full speed down the hallways of the station. Luckily for her, everyone seemed too absorbed in some emergency to notice a brunette in a labcoat running sideways down the hallway, crashing into everything in sight (remember the drugs). Well, one person noticed her. Houston, who was fully suited up and on his way to his ship. “Samus, what the heck are you doing!” was the best he could manage. “”no timetotalkI’ve....drugged.” “Ahh. I see. I know they drugged you. Now, what are you doing here?” “Running off the effectsofhtedfrugs, can’t you see? I thought your rightarmwas impaled;” Houston took a minute to understand what his best friend was saying, then finally answered. “They gave me some happy pills!!!!!!!!!!” He held out a pill bottle. This conversation was getting very interesting. “givemeon-” Samus slurred. “What?” Houston said. Samus somewhow managed the coordination to grab the pill bottle and down a little white pill. She handed the bottle back to Houston. “Here,” She managed to say, “ifyouwoulden’tmindineedtogobacktomyquartersandsuitupsopleaseeitherhelpmegetthereorgetoutofmyway/” Samus stumbled past him and would have falled had Houston not caught her. “Here, I’ll help you back.” He had long ago realized that arguing with Samus was not a good thing. * * * Dr. Myff Ran to Hardy. “Sir,” he said, “Samus escaped! And what’s worse, I fell on m,y own hypodermic needle and...” He fainted (because of the drugs). “I can’t deal with that right now! I have to lead a bunch of ships! Bye!” Hardy ran out of there as quickly as his short stubby legs could take him. Today just wasn’t his day. Houston waited outside of Samus’ quarters while she got into her suit, taking much longer than usual (gee, I wonder why). Eventually, though, she stumbled out the door. Grabbing Houston’s shoulder for support, Samus said, “I think the happy pill is starting to work. I can speak coherently again. My ship’s around the corner. let’s go.” “Uh, Samus, exactly what are we doing?” “going to my ship, of course!” “To help Defend Earth and all of the Federation?” “Of course!” “So we’re fighting with the Federation fleet?” “What?” “You don’t know?” “Know what, Houston?” “You have been out of it for a while! A massive Kihnter fleet is heading towards Earth! We’ve been called to defend it!” “That’s odd. I was thinking of heading to Tsebnash to finish this!” “Those drugs really did a number on you!” “Think about it,” Samus said, “If there are so many ships leaving Tsebnash, then it should be relatively empty, right?” “Right...” “Then, now’s our time to strike! We have one chance to destroy The Master! Besides, do you really think we’ll win out here?” Houston thought for a minute. “No, you’re right,” he said, “We’ll take your ship. Let’s go!” CHAPTER NINETEEN: THE FINAL ASSUALT Samus Aran and Armstrong Houston entered Samus’ ship to leave on what was obviously a suicide mission. “Felling any better?” Houston asked Samus. “I think so. Those drugs have about worn off, and that happy pill...” Samus interrupted herself to run over to the single restroom in the ship and vomit. “I think I’d better drive.” Houston remarked. The ship left the docking bay and wentout into deep space. Samus returned slowly to the cockpit and sat in the copilot’s seat. “Houston, punch in Tsebnash’s coordinates, then press that little red button that doesn’t look as though it belongs there.” “What?” “Just do it. it’ll get us there faster.” Houston looked at the controls. They all seemed fine, except for this red button obviously put in fairly recently hanging from a cheap piece of metal that was nailed to the control panel. He muttered something and complied. The ship roared off somewhat faster than those little racing ships. Both people were lurched back into there seats. “We should be there several hours early!” Samus shouted above the roar of the engines, “It’s a custom job! Do you like it?” Houston didn’t hear. He was too busy trying to keep his stomach from emptying its contents on the dashboard. * * * Chairman Keaton looked at the full fleet that he could get. At that point he realized that there really was no way for them to win this war. But they would fight. That was already decided on. They were all going to die, but why not take a few with them? Warpgates upon warp gates opened in front of them, and thousands of Kihunter ships and Planetkillers emerged. Keaton turned a paler shade of green. He gave the order to fight. This was the beginning of the end. * * * While Keaton gave that order, a lone yellow ship came out of maximum warp drive in front of Tsebnash. It sped down to the planet, the last beacon of hope. But it was not alone. * * * Samus’ ship touched down in a valley as close to the strongest underground energy reading as possible. Samus and Houston emerged. There was a light rain. “Samus, are you sure that you’re all right?” “Yes, Houston. I’m fine. You?” “As fine as I’ll ever be. Does this remind you of anything?” Samus looked around. “Yeah, it does. It reminds me of the ruins back in Zebes after the space pirates came in.” She looked around and saw a familiar blue door in a rock wall. “Well, shall we go in?” * * * The battle raged over Earth. Multiple ships on either side were being constantly blown up. Five planetkillers had gone down. So had ten Federation flagships. Hardy looked down from the ship that he was commanding. His particular ship had sustained more than enough damage, but was holding its own. A kihunter ship crashed into the one kink in its armor, and knocked out most of the deflector shields, broke the ship in two, and totalled the weapons. Hardy prayed a silent prayer that this nightmare be ended soon, whichever way it was to end, may it end soon. * * * The tunnels on Tsebnash were incredibly vast, but empty. Samus and Houston went slowly through them, as though a sound would cause the very walls to attack. Eventually, they ended up outside again, where there was a small insectiod robot. The robot looked at them, and muttered a bit in some binary language. Lights above the doors turned on, and the trap sprung. Hundreds of Kihunters poured in from everywhere, coming after Samus and Houston. “Well, Houston, this is it!” Samus said as she armed her arm cannon. * * * Back over Earth, a huge warpgate opened. The largest planetkiller imaginable came throughOut of it poured more Kihunter ships. Its shields were too strong to take any damage. It moved towards Earth. “Sir! The main weapons grid just crashed! We can fire one more shot, then we’re through!” Hardy looked gravely at the admiral who just gave him that order. This was it. One shot. One last cigarette before the firing squad. “Ready all weapon systems. Aim at the large ship. We have one shot left, let’s make it count. “Fire on my mark. Three... Two... One... What the...?” Suddenly even more warpgates opened, but emerging from these were not Kihunter ships. They were of a different kind. A voice came over the intercom to all Federation ships, “We are the Chozo. We have prepared for this moment for all of history. Our word is broken. Now, we can kill. Kihunters, feel our wrath!” “Gul’Gen, is that you?” Keaton shouted. “Yes. I am here.” The Chozo ships started tearing through the Kihunter forces as though they were dried up leaves. “Forget firing that last shot for now,” Hardy said, “Concentrate on repairing this ship while we can. I want to be able to get back in the fight!” The battle raged on, but for once there was hope. CHAPTER TWENTY: TSEBNASH While the battle raged on above Earth, another battle was fought on Tsebnash. Samus and Houston had been driven back into the turning passageways of the planet by the hordes of Kihunters, and the situation was intense. To conserve ammo for The Master, Samus had switched to her grappling beam and was now using iit to electrocute any nearby bugs. She also cut them in half with her built-in screw attack. Houston was just shooting everything, everywhere. What neither of them noticed was that the Kihunters were driving them back, and slowly seperating them. The texture of the ground beneath them had changed to rock. Samus noticed that there was a room directly below her, telling from the echoes. She also noticed that the floor was cracking. But she noticed it too late. Before Samus could do anything, her portion of the floor gave in, and she plummeted down with it. Houston turned towards he. “Samus!” He shouted, before one of the bugs picked him up and threw him against the wall, no, check that, threw him against a door. A door! Houston opened it, all the while blasting bugs, then took out something special that he had kept in his suit: a power bomb. Houston braced himself against the inside of the door, ready to jump back. He froze a couple Kihunters that were directly in front of him so they would block any more bugs, and threw the power bomb into the crowd. “Here’s a present!’ He shouted, as he turned and dove for cover. The explosion shook the caverns. Light and flame emanated through the room that held the bugs. The entire room that Houston was just in caved in. It would never be used again. The man who was Samus’ brother (without even knowing it) breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to rest a bit before going on. His breather was short-lived, though, as a missile hit him from behind and threw him to the ground. Houston looked up to see another bounty hunter, this one in a black suit. Schneider. “Well, well, well, Houston. Fancy running into you here,” Schneider sneered. He kicked Houston. “Well, enough of the small talk. Now, I must bid you adieu.” He leveled his arm cannon at Houston and prepared to fire. * * * The battle over Earth continued. The addition of the Chozo was wonderful, albeit mysterious, but it obviously wasn’t enough. The Kihunters would eventually win by means of sheer number. Hardy’s ship had been somewhat repaired to the point that he could sit in the outskirts and shoot down ships, but any major use of firepower would crash the ship’s systems. The huge Kihunter Planetkiller had actually retained some damage, and its shields wre down to the point that people could damage it now, but it was just too big to take any damage. The only real damage done was when a Chozo ship managed to crack the central orb just before the Planetkiller destroyed it. Even though the situation was impossible, the Federation kept fighting. * * * Samus woke up with a jolt. She couldn’t tell where she was, or how far she had fallen. Telling from the sound that got her up, Houston had succeeded in blowing something up. She couldn’t be that far down, but it was too dark to tell. Samus turned on her night vision and started to step through the room that she was in. It was vast, incredibly vast, and dark, so dark that she couldn’t see very far anyway. What was worse was that it was quiet. Completely quiet in an eerie way. Then she heard it. A chirp. A single chirp. She recognized that chirp, but couldn’t place it. Samus picked up her pace and began to scan everywhere, if only she could see! Schneider laughed to himself soflty as he started to pull the trigger... And was knocked to the ground hard by Houston’s fist. Houston got the rest of the way up and charged at Schneider, who was getting up. Hurling himself on schneider, the college footballchampion easily tackled him like an insect. Houston wrenched off Schneiders helmet and sterted pounding on him with a metal gloved fist. Now he would get him back for all of the slimy, tratorious things that he did. Samus heard another chirp right next to her, and turned around to see what she had least expected. A metroid. The Metroid lunged, and with her lightning-quick reflexes Samus froze it with her ice beam and blew it up with a couple missiles. She looked at its remains and wondered to herself how on Earth...? She was interrupted by several more chirping Metroids swooping in for the kill. Samus froze them and ran for the door. If her ears were telling the truth, this place was a virtual nest of Metroids. Bad news. Houston got up when he was convinced that Schneider wasn’t going to follow him. The man was a bloody mess. Houston thought that he could have killed him. It would have served the creep right, but Houston didn’t want to waste the ammo. He ran forward, tracking down that energy source. It was very close, and the sooner it was destroyed, the better.